Ancient Mayan city is discovered in the jungles of southern Mexico

Deep in the jungle of Mexico, an ancient Mayan city has been discovered.

Buildings, stone columns and 50-foot pyramids make up the settlement, thought to have been an important hub at points between 250 and 1000 AD and is located in a largely unexplored stretch of virgin forest that is larger than Arizona.

The city — called OcomtĂșn or “stone column” — covers about one-fifth of a square mile and is located in the Campeche region of the Yucatan Peninsula, which splits the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

It was discovered in May by Slovenian archaeologist Ivan Ć prajc, who led a team into the dense jungle and spent a month uncovering the city’s remains, Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) announced Tuesday.

According to Ć prajc, the columns would have served as entrances to the upper floors of the buildings. The city is built around three main plazas and also has fields where the Mayan inhabitants are said to have played an ancient ball game.

Buildings, stone columns and 15-meter-high pyramids make up the recently discovered city of OcomtĂșn in the Campeche region of the Yucatan Peninsula. Pictured is the site

A LiDAR image from above reveals the outline of the newly discovered city, dubbed OcomtĂșn by archaeologists, meaning

A LiDAR image from above reveals the outline of the newly discovered city, dubbed OcomtĂșn by archaeologists, meaning “stone column”

The city was discovered in May by Slovenian archaeologist Ivan Ć prajc (pictured) who led a number of archaeologists into the dense jungle

The city was discovered in May by Slovenian archaeologist Ivan Ć prajc (pictured) who led a number of archaeologists into the dense jungle

OcomtĂșn was discovered using LiDAR scanners, described by National Geographic as one of archaeology’s most exciting modern tools, which use laser images captured from an aircraft to identify objects and structures hidden beneath.

The method has become especially popular among archaeologists who search dense areas of forest and jungle.

Known for its advanced mathematical calendars, the Maya civilization spanned southeastern Mexico and parts of Central America. They are also known for their pyramid temples and stone buildings.

Although they are thought to have existed for millennia, from about 1800 BC to about 1000 AD, archaeologists believe the OcomtĂșn fell late in the civilization between 800 and 1000 AD.

Its political collapse led to its decline centuries before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors, whose military campaigns saw the last stronghold fall in the late 17th century.

The OcomtĂșn site has a core area, located on high ground surrounded by extensive wetlands, Ć prajc said in a statement.

One of the many columns after which the city is named is depicted lying down

One of the many columns after which the city is named is depicted lying down

An object on the site of the ancient city, according to the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History, an alter

An object on the site of the ancient city, according to the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History, an alter

Pictured is a stone uncovered as part of the effort led by Ć prajc

Pictured is a stone uncovered as part of the effort led by Ć prajc

A facade element incorporated into some of the ancient Mayan structures discovered last month

A facade element incorporated into some of the ancient Mayan structures discovered last month

A series of stones were among the remains of the city, believed to have fallen around the time the wider Maya civilization collapsed

A series of stones were among the remains of the city, believed to have fallen around the time the wider Maya civilization collapsed

The city was discovered in a largely unexplored stretch of jungle larger than Arizona.  Pictured is the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve

The city was discovered in a largely unexplored stretch of jungle larger than Arizona. Pictured is the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve

Ball games were popular throughout the Maya region and consisted of passing a rubber ball without hands across a field and passing it through a small stone hoop.

Experts believe the ball game has been played throughout the Mesoamerican region and is likely the oldest game in the history of the sport. It is played on a stone-floored field about 50 yards long.

Ć prajc said his team had also found central altars in an area closer to the La Riguena River that may have been designed for community rituals, though more research is needed to understand the cultures that once lived there.

He has discovered a number of Maya cities during his career, dedicated to the Yucatan Peninsula, and is the author of Lost Maya Cities: Archaeological Quests in the Mexican Jungle.

He suggested in his last announcement that the city’s collapse likely reflected “ideological and population changes” that led to the wider collapse of Maya societies in that region around the 10th century.

Earlier this year, a similar LiDAR approach was used to identify another Maya civilization in Guatemala.

One of the columns that stood upright to mark the entrance to the upper floors of some buildings is lying flat

One of the columns that stood upright to mark the entrance to the upper floors of some buildings is lying flat

Pictured is a Mayan shrine in the

Pictured is a Mayan shrine in the


For hundreds of years, the Maya dominated large parts of the Americas until mysteriously, in the 8th and 9th centuries AD, much of the Maya civilization collapsed.

The reason for this collapse has been hotly debated, but now scientists say they may have an answer – an intense drought that lasted a century.

Studies of sediments in Belize’s Great Blue Hole suggest that a lack of rain caused the Mayan civilization to disintegrate, and a second dry spell forced them to move elsewhere.

The theory that a drought led to a decline in the Maya Classic period isn’t entirely new, but the new study, co-authored by Dr. AndrĂ© Droxler of Rice University in Texas, provides new evidence for the claims.

The Maya who built Chichen Itza dominated the Yucatan Peninsula in southeastern Mexico for hundreds of years, as pictured above, before mysteriously disappearing in the 8th and 9th centuries AD

The Maya who built Chichen Itza dominated the Yucatan Peninsula in southeastern Mexico for hundreds of years, as pictured above, before mysteriously disappearing in the 8th and 9th centuries AD

Dozens of theories have attempted to explain the Classic Maya collapse, from epidemic disease to foreign invasion.

Dr. Droxler and his team discovered that between 800 and 1000 AD.

This suggests that major droughts occurred in these years, which may have led to famines and unrest among the Maya people.

And they also found that a second drought hit from 1000 to 1100 AD, which coincides with the time the Mayan city of Chichén Itzå collapsed.

Researchers say a climate reversal and drying trend between 660 and 1000 AD led to political competition, increased warfare, generalized socio-political instability, and finally political collapse — known as the Classic Maya Collapse.

This was followed by a prolonged drought between AD 1020 and AD 1100 that probably corresponded to crop failures, death, famine, migration, and ultimately the collapse of the Maya population.