Amid the Sudan crisis, an information battle

In addition to the fighting in Sudan, there is a battle of stories as the base pushes information out. Plus the rise of racist rhetoric in Tunisia.

The Sudanese capital of Khartoum today resembles a war zone, where two generals and their armies fight for control of one country. Both are posting their stories on social media, jostling for control of the state-run airwaves.

Declan Walsh – Chief Africa Correspondent, The New York Times
Matthew Benson – Sudan research director, London School of Economics
Yassmin Abdel-Magied – Author, talk about a revolution
Hager Ali – Research fellow, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Dallia Mohammed Abdelmoneim – Sudanese activist

On our radar:

This past week marked 75 years since the establishment of the State of Israel and, as producer Meenakshi Ravi explains, the words chosen by a European official to mark the occasion have sparked outrage.

Racism and repression in Kais Saied’s Tunisia

Producer Tariq Nafi reports on the xenophobic rhetoric of Tunisia’s president, Kais Saied, and the wave of violence it has unleashed against the country’s black community.

Monia Ben Hamadi – Editor in Chief, Inkyfada
Reem Garfi – Anti-racism activist
Amine Snoussi – Journalist and political analyst

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