America’s “only conservative wireless carrier” hit by data breach

American wireless telecommunications company Patriot Mobile suffered a data breach in which a hacker stole sensitive customer information.

According to TechCrunchverifying the authenticity of the stolen data, an unnamed hacker obtained people’s information, including full names, email addresses, home zip codes and account PINs.

There is no information on Patriot Mobile’s website or social media accounts at this time. So we don’t know who the threat actors were, or how many people were affected by the breach.

Conservative values

Patriot Mobile markets itself as America’s only conservative wireless carrier. It was founded in 2013 and operates as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), meaning it does not own the wireless infrastructure it uses. Instead, it partners with major network providers to provide service to its customers.

The company is believed to have fewer than 100,000 subscribers. We also don’t know what the nature of the attack was and whether it was a ransomware attack. We’ve reached out to the company via email and will update the article as soon as we hear back.

Patriot Mobile distinguishes itself by aligning itself with conservative values ​​and supporting right-wing causes. A portion of the profits are donated to organizations and charities that align with conservative ideologies, such as supporting veterans, defending the First and Second Amendments, and pro-life initiatives.

In terms of actual service, Patriot Mobile isn’t much different from other mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs). Customers can expect different mobile plans for calling, texting and using mobile data.

It also sells a variety of smartphones and accessories to its customers. The company’s mission is to provide reliable mobile services while making a social and political impact that aligns with the values ​​of its customers.

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