Americans call on Prince Harry to ‘do the right thing’ and turn down ESPN Pat Tillman award: ‘Give it to one of our own heroes!’

Americans are calling on Prince Harry to decline ESPN’s Pat Tillman Award, saying the honor should instead go to “one of our heroes.”

More than 68,000 people have signed a petition launched on June 27, asking the sports network to “reconsider awarding the Pat Tillman Award to Prince Harry.”

The petition was created by New Jersey resident Patti Mickel, who said that “the Pat Tillman Award should be representative of his values ​​and honor someone who, like Tillman, has shown an unwavering commitment to his team and country.”

Mickel added: ‘Prince Harry, although a former military man, has been involved in controversies which raise questions about his suitability to receive an award of this magnitude.’

Tillman was feted in the US after he gave up his lucrative career with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist as an Army Ranger. He served in Iraq and then Afghanistan, where he was killed by friendly fire in 2004 – at the age of 27.

More than 68,000 people have signed a petition started on June 27 asking ESPN to “reconsider awarding the Pat Tillman Award to Prince Harry”

Tillman was lauded in the US after he gave up his lucrative career with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist as an Army Ranger. He served in Iraq and then Afghanistan, where he was killed in 2004.

Harry, 39, is expected to receive the Pat Tillman Award for Service for his work with the Invictus Games at the glittering ESPY Awards in Los Angeles on July 11. The 2024 ESPYS will be hosted by Serena Williams, a close friend of Meghan Markle.

Many of the petition’s signatories were so strongly opposed to Prince Harry receiving the award that they left video comments expressing their anger at ESPN’s decision to honor the royal.

One of the signers, Shawnia, held a sign that read “We want privacy!” — a reference to a South Park episode that ridiculed Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle.

She said, ‘We all know you’re trying to improve your PR, Harry. We’ll give you your privacy.’

Petition co-signer Rebecca said, “Pat Tillman gave up a life of luxury in the NFL to fight for this country. Harry gave up a life of service for his own gain. He is not on the same level.”

A signer named Pan added: ‘Pat Tillman was an American hero. Harry is not even an American citizen. Pat Tillman gave up millions to fight for our country. Harry could only make money by smearing his family. Accepting this award is just to make himself more popular.’

Another signatory, Cherie, said: ‘I graduated from the same high school as Pat Tillman and I am strongly opposed to Harry receiving the award based on everything Pat Tillman stood for and everything he represents to this country. I think it is abhorrent.

Many of the petition’s signatories were so strongly opposed to Prince Harry receiving the award that they left video comments expressing their anger at ESPN’s decision to award the royal

A signer named Shawnia held a sign that read, “We want privacy!” as she said, “We all know you’re trying to improve your PR, Harry. We’ll give you your privacy.”

Signer Sisi added in a video message: Pat Tillman died representing our country and protecting our freedom. Harry came to the United States and doesn’t value the First Amendment – says it’s insane. Pat Tillman deserves better than this. No, Harry, no!’

Mickel, the petition’s creator, shared an update on Thursday: “Some people might find it interesting to know that there are people asking me for my opinion on this…

‘You come to me with accusations like I work for the British press or that I just don’t like Harry and Megan (which is true, but it’s not a reason for the petition).

“I’m very proud to have my name attached to this petition. We’re now over 60,000, with seven days to go. I hope ESPN does the right thing.”

Tillman’s mother, Mary, said she would have preferred the award to go to someone else. ESPN didn’t ask her to do so.

Tillman’s mother said, “I am shocked that they selected such a controversial and divisive person to receive the award.

“There are recipients that are much more appropriate. There are people who work in the veteran community who are doing great things to help veterans.

The Duke of Sussex completed two tours of Afghanistan as an Apache helicopter pilot

“These people don’t have the money, the resources, the connections or the privileges that Prince Harry has. I think these people need to be recognised.”

Former NFL player Pat McAfee also weighed in, saying, “We should be celebrating sports. World leaders should be celebrating sports, but doing something like this is clearly trying to anger people.”

He said they should create a new category just for the Duke. ‘How about ESPY for a member of the Royal Family who doesn’t want to be called a ‘member of the Royal Family’ but loves sports?’

An ESPN spokesperson said earlier: ‘ESPN, with the support of the Tillman Foundation, is honoring Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex specifically for the work of the Invictus Games Foundation as it celebrates its 10th anniversary of advancing healing through the power of sport for service members and veterans around the world.

“While we understand that not everyone will agree with all of the nominees for an award, the Invictus Games Foundation does incredible work and ESPN believes this is a cause worth celebrating.”

The Duke of Sussex is reportedly ‘stunned’ by the negative reactions and a source claimed the aftermath has been a ‘bitter pill to swallow’.

Prince Harry (pictured with Meghan) was ‘stunned’ by the negative reactions he received after being nominated for the award

The ESPY Awards (Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly) are organized by the sports television network ESPN and the Pat Tillman Award has previously been given to unsung heroes.

Last year the award went to the coaches of the American football team Buffalo Bills who brought a dying player back to life on the field.

Sources told The Telegraph it was a “bitter pill to swallow” as the Duke of Sussex was criticised over anything to do with his military record and his work with veterans.

“Harry’s legacy at Invictus, the things he’s achieved, that’s his real passion,” they said. “This is the space he really feels at home in, it’s something he cares about deeply. The backlash has definitely taken the shine off the award.”

The source acknowledged it was similar to when Harry, who twice flew as an Apache helicopter pilot in Afghanistan, was recognized as a living legend of aviation at a ceremony in Beverly Hills, California, in January.

When he accepted the prestigious award along with astronauts Buzz Aldrin and James Lovell, Admiral Lord West, former head of the Royal Navy, said bluntly: “He is not a living legend.”

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