American workers – are YOU happy to pay $1,800 EACH to wipe the student debt of the privileged elite who’ll earn $52,000 a year? Because BRAD POLUMBO reveals that’s your bill for desperate Joe’s naked bribe for votes

‘Congratulations! I erased your student loans. Will you vote for me now?’

That’s what President Biden should have said in an email to more than 800,000 student loan borrowers — because his latest plan to “forgive” some of their $1.78 trillion in outstanding debt is nothing more than a bribe.

“Your student loans have been forgiven because of actions my administration has taken to ensure you get the relief you deserve and deserve,” read the White House message sent to inboxes on Tuesday.

Gosh – Democrats are so generous with other people’s money.

What had these lucky few done to “deserve” and “deserve” this “multi-billion dollar aid”?

Very few.

With a bit of bureaucratic sleight of hand, Biden and his dutiful ministerial aides transformed an obscure Department of Education reimbursement program into a brand new entitlement program.

Hundreds of thousands of borrowers will have their monthly payments capped at five percent of discretionary income, and if they pay these small installments for ten to twenty years, their entire remaining loan will be wiped out.

Millions more may discover they owe $0 in payments.

And presto!

An estimated $475 billion in unpaid federal student loans will disappear into thin air.

What’s the catch?

Those billions of dollars in debt will simply be moved from the necks of these educated elites to over the heads of every American.

With a bit of bureaucratic sleight of hand, Biden and his dutiful ministerial aides transformed an obscure Department of Education reimbursement program into a brand new entitlement program.

Those billions of dollars in debt will simply be moved from the necks of these educated elites to over the heads of every American.

Liabilities of approximately $1,800 for each taxpayer.

It’s not a small amount when America is already running multi-trillion dollar deficits and existing entitlement programs, like Social Security, are headed toward insolvency.

This Frankenstein’s monster from the bowels of the bureaucracy could be the most expensive regulation in American history.

And the real motivation behind this bailout is not an urgent financial crisis, as Democrats and the mainstream media would have us all believe.

Yes, Americans owe nearly $1.8 trillion in student loans. But millions are also on the hook for $1.5 trillion in auto loans and $1 trillion in credit card debt — and we don’t hear anyone outside the gates of the White House clamoring for those charges to be dropped.

No, this is about raw, cowardly, cynical politics – pure and simple.

Polls show Biden struggling with young voters, usually a reliably Democratic voting bloc. Without these college-educated 18- to 34-year-olds, he can’t win re-election.

What better way to win back their loyalty than with an old-fashioned quid pro quo? If you choose me, the gravy train just keeps chugging along.

But here’s the most disgusting part of all this: Those who have never set foot in a college classroom and those who have diligently scrimped and saved to avoid crushing their debt are seen as suckers.

I worked nights as a security guard from the first day of my freshman year in college to help pay my way. I stacked the courses to graduate in three years and save on tuition.

What do I get from Biden’s vote buying program?

Nada. Just a big middle finger.

Turns out I should have just gone to the frat parties, taken my time, and then exploited Biden’s plan and milked the taxpayers.

Ultimately, my misery is nothing compared to the generations of working-class Americans who will be saddled with this grotesque act of dishonesty.

What better way to win back their loyalty than with an old-fashioned quid pro quo? If you choose me, the gravy train just keeps chugging along.

Polls show Biden struggling with young voters, usually a reliably Democratic voting bloc. Without these college-educated 18- to 34-year-olds, he can’t win re-election. (Above) A November NBC News poll shows President Biden trailing Donald Trump in a poll of voters aged 18 to 34

Here we have an executive fiat that gives all the benefits to young college graduates, who earn an average annual salary of $52,000 per year, and no benefit at all to young people who did not go to college and earn an average annual salary of $30,000.

Democrats are expected to support “progressive” policies that help the working class, not “regressive” policies that help the wealthy.

Here we have an executive fiat that gives all the benefits to young college graduates, who earn an average annual salary of $52,000 per year, and no benefit at all to young people who did not go to college and earn an average annual salary of $30,000. This salary gap has only increased in recent decades.

Crazy enough to burst a blood vessel? Wait – it gets worse.

Biden can get away with this.

The president’s first attempt to put an end to Congress and cancel up to $400 billion in college debt was thwarted by Missouri, which claimed his machinations were damaging their state’s lending authority, one of the largest administrators and holders of the country’s student debt would cripple.

The justices agreed, ruling that Biden exceeded his executive authority. All those borrowers, who thought they suddenly had more money in their pockets, were severely disappointed. Especially the one third volume it has already published.

This time, however, there may be no one to file a lawsuit. “This is just as illegal, just as shameless as the first round. But there may be no one to call them out,” attorney Caleb Kruckenberg told USA Today.

Anyway – I doubt Biden cares.

By the time the courts consider this iteration of the president’s corrupt payoff scheme, the 2024 votes will likely have been cast.

Good luck to all the gullible people who spend the extra money thinking they won’t have to pay it back.

Don’t expect an email from the White House on this anytime soon.

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is an independent journalist and co-host of the BASEDPolitics podcast

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