American Ninja Warrior champion Drew Drechsel, 35, is sentenced to 10 years for child sex crimes

Former American Ninja Warrior champion Andrew ‘Drew’ Drechsel has been sentenced to just over a decade in prison after being charged with a series of child sex crimes.

On Wednesday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office confirmed in a press release that the 35-year-old had been sentenced to “121 months in prison for receiving child pornography and enticing people to travel for illegal sexual conduct.”

The disgraced reality star, best known for his win on Season 11 of American Ninja Warrior in 2019, was arrested in 2020 at his home in St. Cloud, Florida.

On June 1, 2023, Drechsel pleaded ‘guilty’ before Chief US District Judge Renée M. Bumb to an information charging him with one count of receiving child pornography and one count of knowingly persuading, inducing, enticing and coercing a minor to travel interstate to engage in sexual activity for which the suspect could be charged with a crime.”

According to the DA’s press release, the judge sentenced Drechsel to 15 years of probation and ordered him to pay $100,000 in restitution to the victim in addition to the prison sentence.

Former American Ninja Warrior winner Andrew ‘Drew’ Drechsel has been sentenced to just over 10 years in prison after being charged with a series of child sex crime charges

On Wednesday, the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office confirmed in a press release that he had been sentenced to “121 months in prison for receiving child pornography and soliciting to travel for the purpose of engaging in illicit sex acts.”

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