American chef pokes fun at British classics by turning them INSIDE OUT

A cheeky American chef has made a mockery of classic British dishes by turning them on its head to create dishes including ‘Chish and Fips’, ‘Mangers and Bash’ and many others.

Self-taught chef Anthony Calabro, 27, from New Jersey, has taken to social media with a short series of British-inspired upside-down dishes.

Inverted British classics are Chish and Fips and Mangers and Bash, and Rausage Solls made with sausage meat rolled around a dough like a beef Wellington and then baked in the oven.

Their Teans on Boast uses bean croutons and a bread mix made with beans in a can.

Former healthcare worker Anthony was inspired to create the wacky dishes after initially receiving feedback from a Briton who was complaining about his American-style food.

Self-taught chef Anthony Calabro, 27, from New Jersey, puts his own spin on British dishes like Mangers and Bash, which consist of dough stuffed in a sausage casing and then boiled, served with sausage paste.

A potato sausage created for the Anthony’s Mangers and Bash dish. She said that he started doing his crazy creations when a British viewer told her that he should expand his horizons.

Anthony said: ‘It all started when I saw a video of Beard Meats Food on YouTube.

‘In one of his videos, he stopped at Greggs to buy a sausage roll.

‘So I thought it would be fun to make a ‘scoop’ version of the sausage roll, which was the Rausage Soll.

Spoonerizing refers to the swapping of letters or syllables in words or phrases.

“I did that TikTok video and after that, I started getting requests from some people on TikTok to do other British classics.”

The food has had positive reviews, with one person commenting on Rausage Solls; ‘I may be angry, but those really seem to be hitting.’

Anthony’s Chich and Fips, which includes fries made from fish and fried mash

Chish and Fips consists of mashed potatoes mixed with flour and egg that are shaped into a fish shape and then battered and deep fried, while the fish is deep fried to get the fips.

Another commented: ‘Actually, there’s always too much cake. In fact, I’m here for this one.

Some, however, reacted badly to Mangers and Bash, with one person posting; ‘this is out of order’ and another saying; ‘sometimes it is necessary not to think about things.’

Anthony added: “I have found that the British have a better attitude towards videos.

“I’ve seen a lot of people tag their friends in the videos and just laugh about it, make jokes with each other or the way they cook these British classics.

“Obviously some people think I’m serious and criticize me, say things like make fun of Americans and tell me I deserve to go to jail; however, I never take those comments seriously.

Inside Out Rausage Solls feature puff pastry wrapped in sausage meat for a twist on the British classic.

Inside out! These ‘sausage solls’ have the sausage meat on the outside and the dough on the inside

‘People in the US will mostly post comments making fun of British food. My lack of seasoning or just being horrified by what they’ve seen – people in the US are more hostile towards videos about American food, which seems natural.

The Chish and Fips consists of mashed potatoes mixed with flour and egg that are shaped into a fish shape and then battered and deep fried, while the fish is deep fried for the fips.

Mangers and Bash use the same type of dough, but it is then stuffed into a sausage casing and then boiled.

Bash sees sausage meat mixed into a paste with water and then fried.

For his upside down beans on toast, Anthony makes the “bread” with canned beans (right), while the “beans” are made with croutons (left).

Commentators were impressed by the ‘teans on bragging’ where the bread is made from bean flour and the topping is croutons.

Anthony added: “I think I found my niche in the TikTok market with spooned foods.

“It’s definitely something I find fun and plan to do more videos.”

Anthony has no plans to stop this cooking topic after the videos racked up over 10,000,000 total views.

He added: “I plan to do more British spoon food, although food from any country is banned from appearing on my channel.”

“I enjoy a good challenge, sometimes it’s hard to conceptualize what the result of spooning food would be, but people usually laugh at the finished product anyway.”

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