I’m a US expat and I’ve finally discovered why the rest of the world hates Americans

An American expat in Australia thinks she’s finally cracked the code on why “everyone hates Americans.”

Tay Marin has lived Down Under for six years and got a harsh reality check when she moved away from home for the first time.

“You have no idea how the rest of the world views us,” she told her fellow American citizens in a video. ‘We are not top performers, we are seen as loud and obnoxious.’

Tay urged US people to educate themselves about other countries and travel abroad if they can afford it.

“Please educate yourself about the rest of the world – the whole world is not the US,” she said. ‘There’s so much more and it’s so beautiful, and I know not everyone can travel like I do. I’m very lucky with that.’

Tay explained that people look at the US the way the US looks at Florida.

‘We’re seen as pretty crazy people. You know how everyone from the US thinks everyone from Florida is crazy? That’s how the world thinks about us.

“Don’t get me started on guns, or on the presidents, or on anything political, just know that everyone thinks we’re going backwards and it doesn’t bother anyone.”

The expat claimed that most Americans couldn’t laugh at themselves.

“Please learn sarcasm and have some humor,” Tay said.

She also advised her fellow countrymen to watch English comedian Ricky Gervais because he “makes a lot of jokes about the US.”

Tay Marin has lived in Australia for six years

The expat pointed out that Americans tend to shout when they speak.

“Seriously, calm down,” Tay said. “You’re level ten, I want you to be level four. We don’t have to express all our thoughts out loud.’

She added, “When you’re in a restaurant, you don’t have to tell everyone how you feel, what you do, your whole life story.”

Tay also noted that she has heard of too many American travelers trying to pay with USD in countries that don’t accept it.

“Please take a card,” she said.

A few people in the comments agreed with Tay’s stance.

“I feel like the rest of the world sees us as a screaming child in a restaurant,” said one American.

‘I’m from Australia. “I went on holiday to America and someone asked me what language we use in Australia because my English was pretty good,” one person said.

A third added: “I swear I’ve never heard an American speak softly or normally.”

“Can we also add that the rest of the world doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving or the 4th of July – and the Southern Hemisphere has opposite seasons,” one person wrote.