Amazon wants to take the hassle out of purchasing for large business customers

At its annual Amazon Business Exchange event, Amazon introduced a series of new updates designed to simplify and modernize purchasing for large enterprise customers.

The updates are intended to help multinational corporations, universities, government agencies, educational institutions and healthcare networks that use Amazon Business, the e-commerce giant’s business-to-business purchasing store.

Amazon spoke proudly about how companies can ensure long-term growth by getting their procurement processes in order and proudly stated that 66 of the UK’s FTSE 100 companies would benefit from the announcement.

Amazon Business makes it easier to handle purchasing

The newly launched Amazon Business App Center provides a one-stop shop for business customers to discover, set up and connect their business account with more than 25 third-party applications, including integrated shopping, accounting management, inventory management and business analytics.

Additionally, System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) automatically syncs user and group data to simplify account maintenance for administrators.

The Budget Management tool has been upgraded to enable setting and reviewing time-based budgets, including real-time tracking and usage reporting.

The last of four updates that will be available in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US will be an improved Guided Buying experience, allowing administrators to manage employee spending and block and approve certain purchases .

The updates are in response to more than two-thirds (70%) of UK procurement leaders recognizing the need to optimize their procurement functions.

Shelley Salomon, global VP of Amazon Business, commented: “We’re not just responding to the biggest challenges our customers have shared with us; we stay ahead of them with new technologies so our customers can use their resources to navigate the unexpected and grow their businesses.”

Amazon Business is now available in 10 countries, including the ones mentioned above in addition to India, Japan and Mexico.

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