Amazon updates its AWS AI image generator to help your business build exactly what it needs

Amazon has unveiled an improved version of its AI image generator, promising improved performance and new capabilities to help your business get the most out of AI.

Amazon Titan Image Generator V2 features image conditioning capabilities, allowing the tool to detect and segment specific parts of an image to provide new suggestions or possibilities. This allows users to “guide” the creation of an image in an unprecedented way.

According to the company, the new model could be particularly useful for generating marketing or advertising campaigns, as it allows the creation and evaluation of a range of options or evolutions of a given image.

Amazon Titan Image Generator V2

The first version of Titan Image Generator was released in November 2023 at AWS re:Invent, giving companies the opportunity to create “realistic, studio-quality images” using a model that could be trained on business-specific data, reducing long wait and development times.

The improved model looks to build on this, allowing for fine-tuning using assets such as company logos or specific products to ensure nothing too strange is created. Users can also provide a reference image along with their text prompt, and the model will then provide outputs that follow the specific layout or structure.

(Image credit: AWS)

Elsewhere, the model offers the ability to automatically remove the background in images with multiple objects. There’s also a new subject consistency tool that allows for even finer tuning. This means that a specific subject (e.g. a particular object or animal) is retained when creating new options.

“With Amazon Titan Image Generator v2, you can guide image creation using reference images, edit existing images, remove backgrounds, generate image variations, and safely adjust the model to maintain brand style and subject matter consistency,” Channy Yun, Principal Developer Advocate for AWS Cloud, wrote in a blog post announcing the launch.

“This powerful tool streamlines workflows, increases productivity, and brings creative visions to life.”

The Amazon Titan Generator v2 model is now available in Amazon Bedrock, but only in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) and US West (Oregon) regions for now. Additional releases will be announced soon.

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