All You Need to Know about Machine Translation

Machine Translation

Do you know that machine translation was introduced in the world in the 1950s? Machine translation has come a long way with the emergence of artificial intelligence and neural machine translation services. It has revolutionized the translation industry. Now the translation of big data is no problem. Machine translation can translate the data in a fast turn-around time, no matter how large it is. Let’s dive into the information regarding machine translation. 

Human Intervention in Machine Translation 

One of the biggest benefits of machine translation services is its speed. It can translate millions of words per hour making the translation process more efficient. However, you cannot rely on machine translation completely because of the errors. This is because machine translation cannot consider regional and cultural intricacies. In addition to it, it cannot consider colloquial phrases and Idioms. Other errors that machine translations can make are 

  • Putting words in the wrong order. 
  • Use of wrong punctuation 
  • Incorrect translation of numbers or genders 
  • Use of wrong articles and omitting them 

 You must be wondering how to remove the errors from machine translations. Here machine translation post-editing,  MTPE services play an important role. MTPE doesn’t hinder the speed of machine translation. However, it removes the errors with the intervention of human translators. During the MTPE process, a human translator takes over the machine translation when it is completed. The translator checks the flow,  accuracy clarity, and cultural and regional intricacies.

Select the MTPE Options that Suit Your Budget and Needs 

If you want to take assistance from AI translation services then you must go for both light and heavy post-editing. This helps you to choose the service that meets all your translation requirements while remaining within your budget. For selecting the MTPE option, discuss the translation options with the translation service provider. Do take into consideration, your quality requirements, cost, and turnaround time. Light post-editing is a viable option to check the overall machine translation accuracy to correct general mistakes. 

  • It is ideal in situations where you require a minimal number of edits. 
  • You want the translation project to be completed at a reasonable price.
  • Communication needs to be precise and accurate. 

In contrary to it, select heavy post-editing to check the machine-translation output. For instance, for technical translation services, you can use heavy post-editing. This is because they are complicated and their demand is also more. It includes the scenarios. 

  • The machine translation includes a large number of grammatical mistakes. 
  • If the document requires consistency in tone 
  • Formatting changes need to be addressed.

If you go for heavy post-editing then you will feel that the document is originally written for the audience,s native language. The heavy post-editing is a more expensive option. However, it ensures state-of-the-art translation results.

 Post-editing is always used in most translation projects. If you don’t want to go for post-editing then you can eliminate these steps    

  • The documents are for internal use only and require only basic translation.
  • You are sure about the fact that Al automatic translation  is the best option for the content 
  • If the probability of bad translation is low because the document contains simple terminology and simple sentences. 

MTPE is Effective for Different Types of Content 

Machine translation without post-editing can work well with content that is concise and written in simple language. In addition, the machine can provide the best translation results when the context is straightforward and contains no humor or sarcasm. 

Certain types of content only require machine translation. However, in some types of documentation, post-editing is part of the translation project. MTPE is useful for the following type of content.

 For culturally sensitive content, no matter how well the content is translated, it cannot fulfill your requirements if cultural appropriateness is not taken into consideration. MTPE ensures that cultural and regional aspect is not overlooked. 

  • Any machine-related content that is translated by the clients should be posted-edited. It includes product descriptions, marketing materials, and website content.  
  • The content includes specialized terminology. Whether you want a translation for medical, financial, or legal services, MTPE ensures that all specialized and technical information is translated without any error.  

Machine Translation Saves Money 

Machine translation software produces rapid translation results. It saves both time and money on the entire project. Machine translation reduces the time whereas human translators spend time on projects according to their size and scope. If post-editing is included then clients will pay less because the human translators have done the entire translation themselves. In short, with MTPE, customers can save up to 30% on translation and localization costs. MT and MTPE help in saving money through the following means. 

  • Use of a translation management system TMS organizes the tasks, and workflow and automates the translation processes 
  • The use of translation memory keeps the track of phrases that are already translated. Moreover, it generates the rules for capitalization, terminology, and spacing to streamline the translation process. 
  • Large multilingual projects and big data are handled effectively with machine translation. 

Wrapping Up 

Technology is evolving with time. Therefore, you will see more innovation in the translation industry. The medium of translation that you use depends upon the content. For example, if you want to go for professional technical translation services then MT is the best option for you. MTPE is a viable option for marketing and advertising content. Human intervention in machine translation cannot be eliminated because machines cannot work unless humans give them instructions. 

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