All the times Tucker Carlson laughed at Australia – as he reveals what is wrong with our country and says what many of us are thinking

American political commentator and journalist Tucker Carlson had a lot of laughs during his stay in Australia.

Carlson’s trademark giggling sound was heard frequently during his speeches during a two-and-a-half week tour of Australia’s major capital cities.

During his performance in Melbourne on Monday, it didn’t take long for Carlson to see the humor in his time in Australia, where he might have a chance to acquire the national accent.

“I love the Australian shout. I don’t know about you, but I know I would agree,” he said with a giggle.

Carlson said he fell in love with Australia and its cities in particular, saying they were “by far” better than the cities in the US.

He said he would like to live in Australia, but the high cost of living there was a major obstacle.

“I would live here if I could afford it, but I can’t,” he said with a laugh.

Earlier, he was in Sydney Carlson, where he was looking at house prices because he was considering buying property in Australia, but he soon realised that even someone with his bank account could not realistically afford a house Down Under.

American political commentator found plenty to laugh about on stage during his observations of Australia

Carlson (centre) arrives to speak at the Australian Freedom Conference at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra

Carlson (centre) arrives to speak at the Australian Freedom Conference at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra

“It was so much more than I can afford and I have a decent job,” he told the crowd.

“How can anyone live here?”

He said that when he asked a Sydney resident the question, he was told that many had left the city altogether or become homeless.

“I thought, that sounds like a crisis,” Carlson added.

“Why is this happening? Immigration. There’s only one reason, and that’s the reason.”

“But nobody wants to say it like that, because it sounds like an attack on immigrants. And that’s how they shut you up. They say, ‘Shut up, racist.'”

Carlson said he was generally in favor of immigration, but that prices would rise quickly if there wasn’t enough housing for the growing population.

“If it becomes too expensive for your children to buy a house in the country where they were born, then you are erased, that’s it. Your line ends and that’s what happens,” he said.

“If your children can’t afford a home here, there’s one person you can blame: the people running your government.”

Despite his American loyalty, Carlson said he would move to Australia but

Despite his American loyalty, Carlson said he would move to Australia but “couldn’t afford it”

During his speech in Melbourne he spoke about Australian political parties and said he could not understand why no Labor Party politician was actually a blue-collar worker in a craft job.

“There’s no real labour in the leadership of the Labour Party, none of them have had a job. They’re all just parasites on the taxpayer,” he said with an exaggerated laugh.

“The laziest people in the country call themselves the Labor Party.”

Carlson also found it funny that politicians and bureaucrats kept whining endlessly. He used buying cigarettes as an example.

“What the hell is on your cigarettes? I don’t even want to smoke them just looking at them,” he said with a smile.

‘You make me not want to smoke anymore. Every pack had a rotten tongue or something.

“I’m a grown man who pays his taxes. I should be allowed to do that. You can’t smoke a Marlborough without getting a lecture?”

He also found Australia’s high energy prices laughable, given that the country has huge national reserves.

He said the valuable raw materials are used to produce renewable energy sources, which we then ‘buy back’ from China.

“Whoever came up with that, you hate,” Carlson said.

Carlson ridiculed Australia for selling its natural resources “to some faraway country to make something that doesn’t work and pay extra for it.”

The political commentator also took aim at the Welcome to Country ceremonies

The political commentator also took aim at the Welcome to Country ceremonies

“That’s crazy on the face of it. The fact that you have high energy costs is reason enough to get rid of the people who run your country,” he said.

Later, with a grin, he said that China didn’t believe in green energy for ‘one second’ and that they were buying Australian coal to build renewable energy infrastructure. He said: ‘The white people want wind farms, let’s build more of them.’

Carlson was impressed by Australia’s many advantages: space, ample resources, relatively little poverty and a well-educated population.

He believed Australia should ‘run the world’ and suggested with a wink that acquiring nuclear weapons would ‘make that point’.

“I probably won’t. You don’t even have handguns and you probably won’t buy nuclear weapons, but you should both,” he said with a slight chuckle to himself about the different approaches to gun rights in Australia and the US.

During his appearances, the political commentator also touched on Australia’s history and the Welcome to Country ceremonies, which pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

He told those gathered that they had “nothing to apologize for at all” when it came to the “sins” of their ancestors, referring to white settlers.

“And yet they make you apologize over and over again,” he said.

‘I have never seen a society under such attack as the one you live in now, and for so little reason.

“Every time a commercial airline lands, every time a ceremony takes place, you get the message that you are on someone else’s territory.

Carlson spoke at the Australian Freedom Conference at the invitation of mining billionaire Clive Palmer (the two men are pictured together)

Carlson spoke at the Australian Freedom Conference at the invitation of mining billionaire Clive Palmer (the two men are pictured together)

He also joked about the ABC and their reporting priorities.

‘I watched your ABC’s in my hotel room this morning for about 20 minutes until I went looking for a spit bag.

“It was one of the most grotesque… I couldn’t believe it was real.”

‘I sympathize with you who work for those (media) companies, who are really corrupt. You know it yourselves, but you don’t want to think about it because you have children and a mortgage.

“I get it, I’ve been there,” he told the crowd.

“But let’s face it, everyone knows what it is, everyone knows how corrupt you are, and so there’s a reason they have contempt for you.”

Carlson also found it funny that locals were proud of the fact that their ancestors had been convicted.

“And every time I ask someone why their ancestors were sent here, I always get the same answer. Do you know what it is?” he asked.

“Stealing a loaf of bread. I don’t believe that for a second. It was like an armed robbery, but they’re like oh yeah, stealing a loaf of bread.”