All-in-one solutions will become extinct

Many companies often opt for an all-in-one software solution that includes everything they need in a specific area (or multiple areas) of their business. And why blame them? You don’t have much time and you need to make a decision quickly, so you choose the one solution that solves as many of your problems as possible at once.

But instead of solving more problems, all-in-one solutions will only cause more problems over the years. The one-size-fits-all approach means that you are tied to an exclusive supplier, but you also end up paying for features that you don’t even use. More importantly, as technology advances, you can no longer build on your software and integrate it with new integrations and innovations. As many companies experience this, they will eventually move to a decoupled approach with best-of-breed composable solutions that give them flexibility and scalability in the long term.

What is composable technology?

Composable technology is a new approach to building and managing enterprise software solutions. It transforms the way small businesses and large enterprises operate by allowing them to build their systems from loosely coupled, modular components. There are an unlimited number of component combinations that create unprecedented business flexibility, flexibility and scalability.

You can also apply the composable approach to your overall business. After all, Gartner called the future of business composable. It means building your business with interchangeable building blocks. A kind of modular setup that allows your business to rearrange and refocus as necessary depending on external (or internal) factors, such as a shift in customer values ​​or sudden changes in the supply chain or materials. The pandemic and associated lockdowns have made this approach even more popular. It is no surprise that the size of the composable infrastructure market is expected to increase from $5.69 billion in 2024 to $13.46 billion in 2029.

Alexander Feiglstorfer

CTO and co-founder of Storyblok.

What are all-in-one solutions?

Simply put, it is one platform that combines different tools and workflows by eliminating the need for multiple software applications. While the ‘one-size-fits-all’ type of software has many advantages as it aims to centralize all your data, workflows and tools in one place, the disadvantages arguably outweigh these. Typically, this type of software cannot specialize in all areas, resulting in unsatisfactory workflows.

The long list of features in all-in-one software can overwhelm users who only need a fraction of the tools, making it less user-friendly. More importantly, dependence on a single software vendor can lead to vendor lock-in, making it challenging to switch to alternative solutions or migrate data. Furthermore, all-in-one solutions tend to follow a monolithic architecture, making it more difficult to connect them to other software or other business operations and ultimately slowing down product innovation for developers.

Future-proof your tech stack

There are now solutions that are flexible, customizable, scalable, and can easily integrate with other applications your business uses. This means you have the freedom to build a set of tools that work for your business. Additionally, you also have the flexibility to exchange different solutions as your business needs evolve.

As an example, let’s look at your CMS needs. For this, I would recommend a headless CMS solution that follows the above-mentioned composable architecture. This is a back-end-only CMS that consists of structured content storage, a management interface for content creators, and an API that allows various systems to consume the content. This approach gives your business the freedom to make your content accessible across different platforms in the digital world – something a traditional (monolithic) CMS would not be able to do.

Identifying exactly what you need comes down to how you think about the future of your business and its digital journey across all departments. As consumers continue to crave personalization, it’s essential to create a set of tools that allow you to customize content quickly and easily. This also applies to the ability to leverage existing customer data and other information flows to provide customized and relevant information. A headless CMS that is flexible enough and can serve content across different channels makes this kind of digital strategy possible.

Everything from delivering dynamic content on your website to post-conversion follow-up and timely customer service responses needs to be done. This requires a company that is multidisciplinary and cross-functional. Your CMS users will need data, development, commercial and marketing skills and, crucially, ensuring a regular flow of information between departments is essential. For example, data from marketing can support product development, and data from customer service, for example, is needed to enable a truly personalized experience. This will become even more useful as CMS use increases and more collaboration occurs between organizations.

This may seem like a lot of work to set up, but by providing flexibility and future-proofing your business operations, the rewards of the best composable software are significant. Our research shows that 82.91% of companies have seen improvements in ROI, budget and performance since switching to a headless CMS.

We have listed the best content marketing tool.

This article was produced as part of Ny BreakingPro’s Expert Insights channel, where we profile the best and brightest minds in today’s technology industry. The views expressed here are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Ny BreakingPro or Future plc. If you are interested in contributing, you can read more here:

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