Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls Netanyahu a ‘war criminal’ and demands he’s barred from Congress: Follow the U.S. politics blog


Welcome to’s US politics blog, featuring the biggest stories from Washington and the corridors of power.

The White House is still fighting back against videos of President Joe Biden’s awkward interactions that they say are “cheap fakes.”

The Biden administration’s relations with Israel have also reached a new tense moment after Benjamin Netanyahu alleged that the US had blocked arms shipments.

Both Democrats and Republicans are also waking up as primary results roll in from key states, including Virginia and Georgia.

Follow all the updates from our reporters in Washington and across the country.

AOC: Benjamin Netanyahu is a ‘war criminal’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “war criminal” who flouts US law and called for him to be barred from Congress.

Netanyahu will address lawmakers on Capitol Hill next month, a move that has sparked calls for a boycott from dozens of Democrats.

The speech with America’s longtime ally is aimed at showing American solidarity despite mounting criticism of Netanyahu’s handling of the war in Gaza.

Ocasio-Cortez has been one of his most ardent critics and said last night that his invitation should be withdrawn.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman’s Tight Primary Goes to Post-Race Recount, Too Close to Call

Conservative hardliner Bob Good is trying to avoid a primary challenger who has the support of both former President Donald Trump and Kevin McCarthy.

Their primary race was too close to call Tuesday night and will go to a recount.

With 92% of votes cast at 11:00 PM ET, challenger John McGuire was 300 votes ahead in the 5th Congressional District.

He claimed victory over Good at the end of the evening, telling his supporters “it is an honor to be your Republican candidate.”

The controversial race exposed the divide within the MAGA movement.

The right-wing Freedom Caucus chairman lost the president’s support when he initially endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over him. He also eliminated some colleagues in the House of Representatives when he voted to remove Kevin McCarthy from the presidency.

Trump’s military adviser calls for the first nuclear weapons tests since 1992

Donald Trump’s last national security adviser of his first term has suggested that the US should conduct its first real-world nuclear weapons tests since 1992 as China builds up its nuclear arsenal.

Robert O’Brien also said that US Marines should be sent to the Pacific instead of the Middle East and North Africa.

The US should also take action to strengthen the military capabilities of Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

In Foreign Affairs he wrote:

This swamp of American weakness and failure cries out for a Trumpian restoration of peace through strength.

The US Navy tracks Russian warships off the coast of Miami

The US Navy is monitoring Russian warships heading to the Florida coast after exercises in the Caribbean.

The fleet of ships, including a nuclear submarine, docked in Havana, Cuba, last week to take part in exercises.

It was the first major deployment in the Western Hemisphere in five years.

Now that the group has split, Moscow has sent its nuclear submarine north to the Atlantic Ocean and the rest of its warships south to Venezuela. Miami Herald reported.

A U.S. Northern Command official told the newspaper that the Pentagon is monitoring the ships’ movements.

White House claims videos of Biden ‘freezing’ or walking away are ‘deceptively edited’: Watch the unedited clips and decide for yourself

The White House has claimed that a series of videos showing Joe Biden “freezing” or walking away were deceptively edited “cheap fakes.”

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre made the claim after the videos were widely viewed on social media and news websites.

Republicans have responded that the videos were not edited and that the White House is wrong.

Here are the full videos so readers can watch them and form their own opinions.

The White House cancels meeting with Israel on Iran after Netanyahu’s weapons video

The White House has canceled a high-level meeting with Israel to discuss Iran after Benjamin Netanyahu accused the US of blocking arms shipments.

The Biden administration was furious with Bibi’s claims and so “enraged” that they halted the talks. Axios reported.

“This decision makes it clear that there are consequences for pulling off such stunts,” a US official told the newspaper.

Welcome to’s US politics blog – featuring the biggest stories from Washington and around the world

Welcome to’s US politics blog, featuring the biggest stories from Washington and the corridors of power.

The White House still fighting back against videos of the president Joe BidenThey claim that the awkward interactions are “cheapfakes.”

The Biden administration’s relations with Israel has subsequently also reached a new tense moment Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that the US had blocked arms shipments.

Both Democrats and Republicans are also waking up now that the primary results are coming in from key states, among others Virginia and Georgia.

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