Alaskan gym goer who exposed ‘trans woman’ shaving in the female bathroom in front of a 12-year-old girl has her membership cancelled for breaching its ‘judgement free’ rules

An Alaska woman who was “disturbed” after seeing a “trans woman” shaving in the women’s bathroom of her gym has had her membership canceled after the organization said she broke its “judgment-free” rules.

Patricia Silva, a life coach from Fairbanks, was working out at Planet Fitness and was in the locker room when she saw the person she describes as “a man with a penis” performing their ablutions, including shaving for a 12-year-old girl in a towel.

She advised the ‘trans woman’ that they should actually use the male changing rooms, but they defended themselves by saying they were ‘LGB’.

Silva seemed so shocked by what she had seen that she described her encounter in a Facebook video.

Patricia Silva’s gym membership has been revoked after an encounter with a strange man in the women’s bathroom at Planet Fitness. She felt uncomfortable because he was shaving in the women’s locker room

The gym has defended its inclusive policies without judgment and banned Silva from returning to the gym, resulting in her membership being canceled

“I just came from Planet Fitness. There’s a man shaving in the ladies’ room. I love him in Christ,” Silva began. ‘He is a spiritual being having a human experience. He doesn’t like his gender so he wants to be a woman, but I don’t feel comfortable with him shaving in my bathroom. I thought I’d just say it out loud.’

Silva also described the encounter in a written post online.

“I went to Planet Fitness…Walked in the bathroom and there’s a MAN shaving…I looked at him, said ‘hey’…he looked up…and I said, ‘ You’re a man who shaves in the ladies’ room, and I’m not okay with that.’

‘He replied… ‘Well, I’m LGBT…’

“Whatever that is…I still told him, ‘You’re a MAN and you’re invading my space!’

‘He wanted to argue to justify why he could be there… I walked away…

‘I stepped out of the dressing room and asked loudly at the reception: ‘Did you know that there is a MAN shaving in the ladies’ room… I don’t agree with that ⁉️’ The two men standing at the desk raise their heads down, and their tails between their legs! As I walked out the door…behind me a woman shouts ‘it’s a girl’…I shouted back ‘it’s a man!’

Patricia Silva from Alaska is seen in Facebook photos with her husband and daughter

Patricia Silva from Alaska is seen with her daughter in social media photos

Planet Fitness in Fairbanks, Alaska touts its “judgment-free zone” to its members

Former Planet Fitness gym-goer Patricia Silva has defended her response in a series of Facebook posts

Silva has posted several updates to her Facebook profile in recent days

“PF canceled my membership and allowed the pedo to stay ‼️,” she stated.

The gym has since responded to what happened in a statement saying they have banned Silva from returning to any of their gyms in the area and have filed a citation.

“As the home of the Judgment Free Zone, Planet Fitness is committed to creating an inclusive environment,” a spokesperson said in a statement.

They also stated that Silva violated the gym’s policy because she took photos and/or videos in the locker room.

“Our gender identity non-discrimination policy states that members and guests may use the fitness facilities that best reflect their true, self-reported gender identity. The member who posted on social media violated our mobile device policy, which prohibits taking photos of individuals in the locker room, which resulted in their membership being terminated.”

Planet Fitness’ policy states: ‘If a serious concern or significant doubt arises about the bona fide of an individual’s transgender or non-binary status/identity and which the team member can articulate, the team member will discuss his concerns with the member discuss. If discussion with the member does not resolve serious concerns or doubts, the club may request external evidence of the member’s claimed gender identity. If a member is confirmed to be acting in bad faith and inappropriately asserting a gender identity, he or she may be asked to leave and their membership may be terminated.”

Silva has since returned to social media, condemning the decision to cancel her membership and revealing more details about the incident.

Planet Fitness has a non-discrimination policy that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation

‘I was canceled this morning. “Planet Fitness is championing the man in the women’s locker room, the man with a penis, instead of the kid sitting in the corner with a towel wrapped around her,” she said.

“The little girl was panicking that the man was there. I took a picture of him and asked him why he was there. You’re a man with a penis, you shouldn’t be there. This morning I was canceled. Planet Fitness defends the man with a penis instead of a child with a towel wrapped around her. So I just want you to know. This is weird. It is not good. It’s quite disturbing.

“I would like you women to stand up and stop these pranks. Use your authority. I took that photo because I felt like I was in an unsafe space, so I’m going to report it to the police today.

‘I want to tell Samantha and Joe who work there – thank you for canceling my membership. You saved me a trip.

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