AI that makes disinformation seem credible needs global governance: Swiss Prez

Swiss President Viola Amherd said on Tuesday that rapid progress in artificial intelligence is making disinformation more credible and warned against policies based on lies.

She said that at the same time, digitalization also offers the potential for greater transparency and sharing of knowledge and information.

“This can help build trust if used correctly. Switzerland is deeply committed to advancing the global governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI),” she said here in her opening remarks at the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2024 Annual Meeting.

“Those who base their policies on lies and ideologies may score points in the short term. But in the medium and long term they will lose confidence. Good policy is based on verified facts and takes into account scientific findings,” she says. added.

The President said the title motto of this year’s annual meeting, “Rebuilding Trust,” is not just a slogan, but rather clearly shows that mutual trust among the global community is currently in a bad phase.

‘The rules of the game are increasingly being questioned.

“Authoritarian or even totalitarian ideas are sometimes accepted, as if the lessons of the twentieth century have been forgotten,” she said.

The fact that authoritarian regimes also undermine democratic values ​​and institutions beyond their own borders contributes to this loss of trust, she said.

The president further said that trust is quickly lost but difficult to regain. In terms of innovation, investment and economic development, it is not simply ‘nice to have’, it is essential,” she added.

Amherd said rebuilding trust is possible, but it requires dialogue and respect, and clear rules that are universally adhered to.

She called for open and transparent exchanges on a priority basis, not only between countries but also with and between organizations in the multilateral system.

“We must strengthen the UN and other global and regional institutions so that they can once again play their role as platforms for dialogue more effectively. This is precisely why Switzerland supports the reform agenda proposed by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres,” she said.

“We must also realize that real compromises are necessary. We must prevent power politics from destroying the basis of our existence,” she added.

“Agreements and compromises must therefore be implemented. Tangible implementation is important for credibility and builds trust. This includes a renewed respect for the UN Charter, other international treaties and other globally agreed measures,” she said.

“Some sections of the public distrust all of us here, and all political and business leaders in general.

“Restoring trust is not just a task for states and politicians. Business leaders also have a role to play here. It is clear that rising social inequality is fueling populism, even in wealthy countries, she said.

The president said Switzerland’s neutrality, commitment and reliability could be valuable in resolving conflicts.

(Only the headline and image of this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is automatically generated from a syndicated feed.)

First print: January 16, 2024 | 5:03 PM IST

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