AI predicts majority of the world will be VEGAN by 2075 – thanks to Gen Z and Millennials


Artificial intelligence has predicted that the majority of the world’s population will be vegetarian by 2075.

This is due to record numbers of Generation Z and environmentally conscious millennials ditching meat in favor of plant-based options.

Now, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has shared details about the end of meat and dairy consumption after being asked to “provide a timeline for the world to go vegan starting in 2024 when Generation Z and Millennials raise awareness about animal agriculture.”

The chatbot said the term ‘flexitarian’ will become more popular by 2027 as people adopt a plant-based diet around the world.

By 2073, “the world will be almost entirely vegetarian” as it is the typical diet among the current generation in 2055.

Researchers previously predicted that these generations would push for more plant-based dairy and meat alternatives by 2024

NPD, a data research group, recently conducted a study on Generation Z and Millennials, which will spark a movement that could lead to a vegan world.

“As consumers continue to prepare more meals at home and younger generations cook more, plant-based foods and ingredients will be part of their repertoire,” Darren Seaver, a food industry analyst at NPD and co-author of the study, said in a statement. .

“In addition to providing a variety of plant-based foods and ingredients, food manufacturers should also focus their efforts on Millennials and Generation Z because they will drive the growth of this category.”

“Their concerns about sustainability and animal welfare should also be taken into account when messaging them.”

Using information collected previously NPD asked ChatGPT to create the schedule.

After Gen Z and Millennials start raising awareness in 2024, major food tech companies will launch more diverse plant-based meat alternatives by 2028 and spread the word on social media platforms.

Using this information, OpenAI’s ChatGPT created a detailed timeline for ending meat and dairy consumption, with change starting with increased awareness of the ethical, environmental, and health issues related to animal agriculture.

ChatGPT predicts that vegan diets will be on the rise among North American and European populations within a year.

While dairy alternatives and derivatives are expensive — Impossible Food’s vegan rice costs standard restaurants $3.63, compared to the average price of a beef burger of $1.58 — the chatbot believes this will change in 2032.

“Advancements in food technology are leading to affordable and compelling plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products,” according to ChatGPT.

Around the same time, some regions will see a decline in traditional agriculture.

By 2037, North American and European governments will provide subsidies for plant farming.

ChatGPT predicts that the first “Day of Vegan and Climate Action” will be celebrated in 2048, endorsed by celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Natalie Portman.

However, vegetarianism will not be widely accepted and normalized in many parts of the world until 2057.

The chatbot believes that athletes such as Serena Williams and Lewis Hamilton will push for diet normalization in 2059.

World Vegetarian Week will become a global event in 2064.

“McDonald’s is reintroducing the ‘McVegan’ (in 2068), and is now making a rapid transition to a fully plant-based menu,” ChatGPT’s timeline reads.

“2070: Most of the younger generations, who grew up with veganism as the norm, have largely shaped a predominantly vegan world.”

By 2073, “the world will become almost entirely vegetarian” – two years before animal farming becomes obsolete.

“Although it is impossible to predict the future with certainty, I can provide a hypothetical timeline based on the assumption that increased awareness among Gen Z and Millennials about animal agriculture will lead to a significant shift in dietary habits,” ChatGPT shared in its response.

“Keep in mind that this is a speculative scenario, and the actual timeline may vary significantly by region and culture.”

(Tags for translation)dailymail

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