AI improves customer experience by behaving like humans

The race to implement AI in customer service is on – A recent study found that 56% of businesses are pursuing AI to improve and perfect their operations, and 63% of retail organizations are already using AI for customer service. It’s clear that we no longer see AI as a futuristic tool in the consumer world. However, many businesses are discovering that simply deploying AI isn’t delivering the returns they originally expected.

This introduces a troubling trend: the gap between hefty AI investments and tangible returns, with as many as 40% allocating budgets to AI without a strategic plan, limiting its potential and effectiveness. Many companies view AI as a productivity booster and focus primarily on task and response automation. Great for time management, this strategy misses a crucial aspect: AI’s ability to augment direct human capabilities like sentiment detection and analysis, and use a holistic observation of these interactions.

Traditionally, measuring customer sentiment has been subjective and relied on interpreting limited customer data points. Now, AI provides a comprehensive bird’s-eye view of sentiment across all customer touchpoints. Imagine being able to analyze every signal-rich email, social media post, and chat interaction not just for keywords, but for the emotions, intent, and frustrations bubbling beneath the surface. This observability is the valuable power of AI sentiment detection, and it’s a game-changer for both customer experience (CX).

Joe Andrews

Chief Marketing Officer at SupportLogic.

From Lagging to Leading: AI in Customer Support

Customer service has traditionally struggled to meet customer needs. I’m sure many of us have experienced the frustration of repeatedly asking a phone system for a “representative” in the hopes of connecting with a real person. Then, after the frustration, companies have typically had to rely on reactive, after-the-fact satisfaction surveys that leave a dissatisfied customer. This approach is especially damaging in subscription-based software models, where delays can result in lost business. Support centers are reengineering their approaches and discovering how AI can transform customer support into a proactive strategy for success. By analyzing customer interactions, AI can predict issues before they arise, giving a support engineer time to intervene and prevent an escalation before it happens.

This is not to understate the enormous benefits of AI for automation. Virtual AI assistants can handle routine tasks, freeing up human experts to tackle complex issues. Similarly, AI case routing streamlines the process by matching customers with the most qualified agent, leading to faster resolutions and happier customers. This proactive approach across all use cases is essential for subscription-based businesses to scale – it helps them address complex issues while keeping users engaged and revenue flowing.

AI helps with complex case management by providing managers with real-time guidance and tailored response suggestions, even for difficult situations. Additionally, AI-powered models can bridge communication gaps through language translation and integrate self-service options with agent-assisted support for a multi-channel customer experience. This frees up agents’ time by automating mundane tasks like data entry, so they can focus their time on interactions and problem resolution.

The Pitfall of AI Implementation: Beyond Automation

Focusing solely on automation can be a pitfall for businesses, causing them to focus too much on tasks like AI chatbots and basic troubleshooting. I believe that AI’s true potential lies in its ability to observe. Instead of just performing predefined tasks, AI should dig deep into data and uncover trends and patterns in customer interactions that would otherwise remain hidden.

One of AI’s key strengths is its ability to gather insights from many touchpoints. In addition to analyzing open support tickets, AI can dig through past cases, agent conversations, and reviews, providing a comprehensive view of individual customer journeys and overall CX. By assimilating data from multiple channels, businesses can gain a nuanced understanding of customer behavior and preferences, and make impactful decisions based on these insights.

From buzzword to profit margin

While AI is revolutionizing the CX landscape, the human touch remains indispensable. Imagine AI as a powerful assistant that equips agents with real-time customer insights, prioritizes complex issues, suggests next steps, and automates routine tasks. This frees up human agents to focus on what they do best – building strong relationships and tackling complex issues – ensuring a future of CX that is both efficient and empathetic.

Here are even more ways AI sentiment analysis delivers measurable benefits:

Proactive problem solving:AI can predict customer needs and expectations by spotting patterns in sentiment analysis. For example, imagine identifying a rise in customer frustration over a new product feature before it turns into a PR nightmare. AI proactively flags negative sentiment, allowing companies to address issues quickly and efficiently, resolve the problem preemptively, and build goodwill.

Personalized service: Personalization delivers tangible benefits to businesses: it can reduce customer acquisition costs by 50%, increase revenue by 15%, and improve marketing ROI by 10-30%. Personalized approaches have also delivered superior customer outcomes. Through sentiment analysis, a customer venting on social media can be flagged for a personalized, empathetic response from a human agent. This shows the customer you care and builds loyalty.

Priority Customer Support: AI can help prioritize customer support tickets by identifying common pain points. This groups common customer issues and shows product and engineering where their solutions can be most effective. Frustrated customers with complex issues get the attention they deserve, reducing resolution time and increasing satisfaction.

Product development insights: Sentiment analysis can reveal hidden gems – features that customers love and areas for improvement. This data fuels better product development decisions, opportunities for cross-selling and expansion, and moments that can be used for testimonials.

The conclusion: Measurable CX benefits from AI sentiment detection

AI sentiment detection offers significant, measurable benefits to CX. By integrating AI sentiment detection, businesses can bridge the gap between investment and ROI, creating a win-win situation where businesses and customers benefit from a more human-centric approach to CX.

While AI automation is undoubtedly valuable, its true power lies in its role as a facilitator of insight and foresight. By harnessing the power of AI to gather specific, rich data, identify opportunities for improvement, and proactively predict customer needs, businesses can move beyond automation and truly elevate the customer experience to new heights.

We provide an overview of the best helpdesk software.

This article was produced as part of Ny BreakingPro’s Expert Insights channel, where we showcase the best and brightest minds in the technology sector today. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Ny BreakingPro or Future plc. If you’re interested in contributing, you can read more here:

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