Why the AFL is refusing to apologise for its secret drug tests after bombshell cover-up allegations – as top doctor claims clubs fake injuries to keep players out of trouble

The AFL is ‘apologetic’ about steps taken to ensure players with illegal substances in their systems do not participate in matches, following allegations of secret drug testing allowing some individuals to avoid detection.

Federal MP Andrew Wilkie told Parliament on Tuesday about the allegations made by former Melbourne club doctor Zeeshan Arain, ex-Demons president Glen Bartlett and Shaun Smith, father of Melbourne player and alleged drug trafficker Joel Smith.

Wilkie said the trio had alleged that players who tested positive had faked an injury and withdrawn from matches to avoid matchday testing by Sports Integrity Australia (SIA), and that ‘off-the-books’ test results were never communicated to SIA or the world were shared. Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

The AFL responded on Wednesday with a statement saying “a commitment to player welfare and well-being” is at the heart of its illegal drugs policy.

AFL boss Andrew Dillon is pictured addressing the media on Wednesday after the league was rocked by allegations in Parliament

Federal MP Andrew Wilkie has filed affidavits from whistleblowers who have accused clubs and the league of withholding secret drug test results from anti-doping authorities

Federal MP Andrew Wilkie has filed affidavits from whistleblowers who have accused clubs and the league of withholding secret drug test results from anti-doping authorities

The league said it is working with the AFL Players Association to improve the system, designed to change player behavior.

‘We make no apologies for club and AFL doctors taking the appropriate steps to ensure that any player they believe has an illegal substance in his system does not participate in an AFL match and that the doctors patient confidentiality is respected and respected,” the statement said. .

“The medical interests and welfare of players are a priority for the AFL given all we know about the risks faced by young people in general and those who play our game in particular.”

The AFL’s illegal drug policy was implemented in 2005 and the league said urine testing has been part of the model “for some time”.

“Physicians can use these urine tests to provide immediate results to determine if any illegal substances remain in a player’s system,” the statement said.

The father of Melbourne Demons star Joel Smith (pictured) – who is charged with cocaine trafficking after reportedly testing positive for the drug – made a statement to Wilkie

The father of Melbourne Demons star Joel Smith (pictured) – who is charged with cocaine trafficking after reportedly testing positive for the drug – made a statement to Wilkie

‘If the test shows that there is still a substance in the player’s system, a doctor will take steps to prevent a player from participating in training and/or an AFL match, both for his own health and well-being as for having illegal substances in your system on match day could… be a breach of the Australian Football Anti-Doping Code.”

The league’s position was revealed when a top sports doctor claimed AFL clubs are faking injuries to players so they are not caught with illegal substances in their systems on match day.

Dr. Peter Larkin believes many people in the league are aware of this practice.

“This was a system that was deliberately put in place to help players leave the system if they got caught up in societal drug use,” he told Nova’s radio show Jase & Lauren on Wednesday.

‘A player who was worried he might test positive could go to me as the club doctor and say, ‘Oh gee, look, I was at a big party on Thursday night and you know what, I might have taken things with me. You know, what am I going to do?”

Top sports doctor Peter Larkin (pictured) claims AFL clubs are faking players' injuries so they can avoid being picked up on match day with drugs in their system

Top sports doctor Peter Larkin (pictured) claims AFL clubs are faking players’ injuries so they can avoid being picked up on match day with drugs in their system

‘So as your doctor I try to help you come off drugs so I can also see if you’ve been tested, but where things really got messy was when the club doctor was allowed to stop the player from playing.

“They would be kept under control, otherwise they would pull a hamstring during training.”

Wilkie described “deeply disturbing allegations of blatant misconduct within the AFL” from Arain, Bartlett and Smith as credible and detailed – and provided signed statements clearly identifying the sources of the documents.

‘The allegations include the prevalence of drug abuse and other prohibited conduct within the AFL, off-the-book drug testing of players at Dorevitch Pathology in Heidelberg, facilitated by former AFL chief medical officer Peter Harcourt, the resting of players testing positive in this secret tests, ostensibly due to injury, deliberate inaction by AFL chairman Richard Goyder and former CEO Gill McLachlan and the removal of Mr Bartlett as Melbourne president after he suggested to Mr Goyder and Mr McLachlan that AFL officials conduct regular drug checks tested,” Wilkie told parliament on Tuesday evening.

“If there are no illegal drugs in the player’s system, they are free to play, and if there are drugs in their system, the player is often asked to simulate an injury,” Wilkie said.

‘They are advised to lie about a condition, while the results of the off-the-book tests are kept secret and never shared with Sports Integrity Australia or WADA.

Wilkie used parliamentary privilege to claim the AFL is 'secretly manipulating' games by withholding drug test results (stock image)

Wilkie used parliamentary privilege to claim the AFL is ‘secretly manipulating’ games by withholding drug test results (stock image)

“In other words, hundreds of thousands of Australians will watch the match without knowing that the match has been secretly rigged by the AFL, and thousands of Australians will bet on that match without knowing that the match has been secretly rigged by the AFL. ‘

Wilkie said Arain claimed it was not a club-specific problem but an ‘AFL problem’ with a number of players arriving at the Demons with pre-existing cocaine addictions.

Melbourne coach Simon Goodwin on Wednesday denied knowledge of the alleged secret tests and players feigning injuries and said the Demons would seek more information from the AFL.

“Every club is now interested to find out more,” he said.

‘Everyone in clubland wants answers and wants to understand how the policy works. We are no different.’