Adult star Angela White visits the California school to teach film school students

Prolific adult star Angela White dubbed the ‘Meryl Streep of porn’ visits the University of California to teach students taking a ‘groundbreaking’ film studies course

  • Adult film star Angela White gave a talk last week at UC Santa Barbara
  • The ‘Meryl Streep of porn’ thanked Professor Constance Powley for the invitation
  • White is considered one of the most prolific X-rated actresses

Adult film star Angela White recently stopped by the University of California, Santa Barbara to give a guest lecture that is part of a “groundbreaking” film studies course.

The X-rated actress thanked Professor Constance Penley in an Instagram post last week for inviting her to join the series.

“This is my third time as a guest speaker at this Film Studies class that approaches photography as worthy of serious investigation as a genre and as popular culture,” White wrote.

Students in the class and fans of the actress reportedly raved about her looks, with some thanking the “Meryl Streep of porn” for her work in tackling stereotypes in the industry.

‘Congratulations! And I’m glad to hear that pornography is being recognized as a popular movie genre and part of the culture,” one fan wrote under her post.

Adult film star Angela White recently stopped by the University of California, Santa Barbara to give a guest lecture that’s part of a “groundbreaking” film studies course

Students in the class and fans of the actress were reportedly wild about her looks, with some thanking the “Meryl Streep of porn” for her work in tackling stereotypes in the industry

In addition to thanking Penley, White applauded the students who welcomed her into their lecture hall with open arms.

“Thank you to the incredible students who asked well-informed, thought-provoking questions about my career as an artist/director, my academic research, and my time in politics,” she wrote in the post.

The actress refers to her candidacy for a seat of government in Australia, her home country.

White also has a degree in gender studies from the University of Melbourne.

It may have been a good idea for Penley — who works in UCSB’s Feminist Studies Department, according to the school’s website — to invite White to join.

“While it has been several years since my dissertation was published in The Routledge Companion to Media, Sex, and Sexuality,” academic pursuit remains an interest of mine and something I intend to return to in the future,” White wrote. .

The woman showed up in a black turtleneck and black business trousers to deliver her talk labeling her as a “mature entertainer, entrepreneur, academic, politician and a creative.”

Immediately after posting, the star’s fans loved her photo and video from the Santa Barbara University campus.

“Thank you for championing pornographic content in academic spaces Angela,” one person wrote.

“There really is no end to your talents,” added another.

‘Please come back next year Angela!! I’ll be back in SB for my Ph.D then and would love to see you!!!!!!’ a commentator chimed in.

White posted this caption next to the photo and video of her at UCSB

“While it has been several years since my dissertation was published in The Routledge Companion to Media, Sex, and Sexuality,” academic pursuit remains an interest of mine and something I intend to return to in the future,” White wrote.

Immediately after posting, the star’s fans loved her photo and video from the University of Santa Barbara campus

Fans applauded her for standing up for the porn industry

Despite recent on-set injuries, White has assured fans she isn’t retiring any time soon

The lecture visit sparked fears that the star might retire to pursue other goals.

Recently, however, White said she wouldn’t be quitting porn any time soon.

That announcement was criticized by fans who said she needed to give her body a break following reports of injuries on set.

Angela said she was fine and that she is actually “loved” by her physically demanding job.

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