Adam Britton’s lifelong lie: Crocodile expert who raped and tortured pet dogs was NEVER attracted to humans despite his 16-year marriage – as his weird childhood obsession is revealed


A perverted zoologist who was jailed for 10 years for filming the rape and torture of dogs was never attracted to people despite his 16-year marriage and had fantasised about animals since he was six.

Adam Robert Corden Britton, 53, was sentenced this month to 10 years and five months in prison, with a six-year non-parole period, backdated to his arrest in April 2022.

British-born Britton moved to Darwin to pursue his career as a zoologist. He pleaded guilty to 63 charges of animal cruelty, bestiality and possession of child exploitation material.

He brought the dogs from Gumtree, Australia, over a two-year period with the sole purpose of torturing them to death on camera, telling the previous owners that their pets were happy in their new homes.

The dogs were usually dead by the time updates were given to their former owners. Most were horribly abused and slowly killed within a few days.

On Thursday, the Northern Territory Supreme Court released the judgments of Chief Justice Michael Grant.

The 42-page document, obtained by Daily Mail Australia, offers a chilling insight into Britton’s privileged childhood, which was marked by perverse sexual fantasies, including her sneaking into fields at the age of 10 to cuddle horses and eat their hair.

Judge Grant said he had taken into account psychological reports in sentencing him, noting that Britton had used a number of flimsy excuses to get out of a lengthy sentence.

Before his deranged habits came to light, Adam Britton (pictured during an interview with Triple J) was a respected zoologist and crocodile expert

Adam Britton (pictured with his ex-wife) was sentenced to more than 10 years in prison

Adam Britton (pictured with his ex-wife) was sentenced to more than 10 years in prison

Britton told court-appointed psychologists he was chronically depressed before he began making home movies of himself raping, torturing and killing dogs at age 49.

He also claimed that there were similar perverts online, posting messages on Telegram under the pseudonyms Monster and Cerberus, threatening to expose him if he didn’t create the content they demanded.

Britton also tried to tell psychologists that he was exaggerating his behavior to benefit his online friends.

But the judge rejected those arguments, saying there was no evidence Britton was depressed — he didn’t tell anyone, he didn’t write it down, and he didn’t seek medical help.

The judge also said there was no evidence that Britton was blackmailed by Telegram users.

He said this was evident from the fact that he described the torture videos in great detail to his online friends, saying things like, “I just like to hurt dogs.”

“The level of depravity in those communications and ideas is consistent with the level of depravity you demonstrated and documented in committing the serious offences of cruelty,” Judge Grant said.

‘It should also be noted that the recordings provide clear and objective evidence that you did in real life what you said you did in the chat rooms.’

The judge also noted that Britton did not assist police in determining the identities of the users.

Pictured: A Telegram conversation Britton had with a like-minded person

Pictured: A Telegram conversation Britton had with a like-minded person

Britton (pictured left, with his ex-wife) once hosted Sir David Attenborough (right) at their Darwin estate

Britton (pictured left, with his ex-wife) once hosted Sir David Attenborough (right) at their Darwin estate

Police are still puzzled as to how those users found out Britton had been arrested in April 2022, prompting them to delete their Telegram accounts and remain in hiding. His name was not released to the media until he pleaded guilty in 2023.

The sentencing decisions also described Britton’s lifelong struggle with socio-sexual disorder, paraphelia and zoosadism.

Britton was never attracted to people and struggled to have decent relationships with women when he was a university student in Hong Kong and the UK. He had two female partners, but they were not sexual relationships.

After graduating, the judge said he had a “brief” sexual relationship with a woman who worked in the animal industry.

“You attempted to have a sexual relationship with her, but those attempts were clearly hampered by your unorthodox sexual preferences,” the judge said.

‘Sexual intercourse with your wife was something you did not enjoy and it happened very sporadically.

‘The relationship eventually became entirely platonic and asexual in nature.’

There is no evidence that his wife knew of his offences or his interests. The court heard that she was often away from home for months at a time due to work commitments.

The judge said Britton had an “unusual” interest in animals from the age of six, watching videos of animals defecating and urinating and fantasizing about being covered in cow dung.

Adam Britton was sentenced to 10 years and five months in prison with a six-year non-parole period, backdated to his arrest in April 2022

Adam Britton was sentenced to 10 years and five months in prison with a six-year non-parole period, backdated to his arrest in April 2022

“You fantasized exclusively about animals and you had no sexual interest in other people,” he said.

‘You started sneaking out at night to a field near your house where horses were kept. Once there, you would cuddle the horses, lick their saliva, and eat their hair.’

Judge Grant noted that Britton knew his interests would not be accepted by the wider community and that he spent the first 49 years of his life trying to keep his fantasies secret.

He also acknowledged that Britton was born with his psychological problems through no fault of his own, but said that ultimately a “clear and definitive” choice had been made.

“To paraphrase your own words during your ill-considered reporting: Although you were slow to put your perversion into practice, once you did, you loved it,” he said.

“You couldn’t stop and you didn’t want to stop.”

The court ruled that Britton’s paraphelia was incurable and that he would likely need to take libido-suppressing drugs to control his interests and prevent him from re-offending.

Britton had expressed remorse for his actions and wanted to do everything he could to avoid repeating the same thing. However, he was not enthusiastic about the idea of ​​medication.

Adam Britton wrote a cringe-worthy apology for harming the animals, which was presented to the court (pictured)

Adam Britton wrote a cringe-worthy apology for harming the animals, which was presented to the court (pictured)

Judge Grant noted that Britton had been in the protective wing of Darwin Correctional Centre since his arrest in 2022, but had been verbally abused by inmates who saw him in the exercise room.

He said that there had been assault, but attached little importance to this when determining the sentence.

Britton also offered a brief, handwritten apology describing how he struggled with paraphelia and felt too ashamed to seek help.

The apology read: ‘I take full responsibility for the degrading crimes I committed against dogs. I deeply regret the pain and trauma I caused to innocent animals, and consequently to my family, friends and community members I affected.

‘I have disappointed you all, and I am deeply sorry.

‘I now realize that I have struggled with a rare paraphilic disorder for much of my life, and that shame and fear prevented me from seeking the right help I needed.’

Britton said he was determined to undergo long-term treatment to prove he was better than his heinous crimes and to “find a path to redemption.”

“Please give my family the space they deserve to heal. They were not aware of this and were not involved in any way,” he added.

In 2022, new legislation was introduced in the Northern Territory that increased sentences for animal cruelty from a maximum of two years to five years. However, Britton’s offences predate the reforms.

He is also not allowed to keep mammals for the rest of his life.