Accused serial rapist Bowen Turner may be RELEASED from prison next month as parole eligibility is set for day after anniversary of Dallas Stoller’s suicide death – as her family ‘received an automated call to notify them’

An accused serial rapist could be released from prison next month as his parole is set for one day after the anniversary of his alleged victim Dallas Stoller’s suicide death.

Bowen Turner, now 21, was locked up for a lenient plea deal after being accused of raping three different women across South Carolina. None of the cases went to trial.

Dallas Stoller was 18 when she was allegedly raped by Turner at a high school party. After pursuing justice and filing her case, the teenager faced intense bullying and backlash and took her own life on November 14, 2021.

Prosecutors then dropped her case — and Turner, the son of a top investigator for the South Carolina Attorney’s Office’s First Circuit, was given a five-year plea deal for first-degree battery and assault, related to the third victim he attacked.

Yesterday, Stoller’s family was notified of his possible upcoming release via an automated phone call, reports crime podcaster Mandy Matney.

Bowen Turner, now 21, was locked up for a lenient plea deal after being accused of raping three different women across South Carolina. None of the cases went to trial

Dallas Stoller took her own life in November 2021. Her family says she was relentlessly bullied for reporting Bowen Turner (right) for rape in 2018. Her case was pending when she died. It was later dropped because prosecutors said she could not testify against him

Initially, Turner’s sentence was probation – but after he breached his bond and was arrested for disorderly conduct, he was ordered to register as a sex offender and was sent behind bars in July 2022.

According to the South Carolina Department of Corrections, Turner was sent to prison on July 20 of last year, and his projected release date was intended to be July 4, 2026.

But his parole eligibility date is November 15 – just over a month away.

The SCDOC has confirmed to that a hearing for his parole will be heard after this date. But his freedom is contingent on the outcome of that trial.

The family of his alleged victim received an automated call from the jail informing them that Turner’s case would be heard, according to Matney.

Documents show he had no disciplinary sanctions during his incarceration, nor did he earn any work credits.

The sentence was part of a plea deal that Orangeburg County Judge Markley Dennis and Second Circuit Deputy District Attorney David Miller gave him in April 2022 — in lieu of going to trial for sexually assaulting Chloe Bess.

Chloe was the third girl to accuse Bowen of rape. The first alleged victim’s case was dropped, and details have never been released because both parties were under 18 at the time.

The second girl was Dallas Stoller. She accused Bowen of raping her at a high school party in 2018.

He was arrested for that assault in 2019, but was granted bail pending a court date.

While out on bail for that alleged assault, Bowen attacked Chloe in June 2019.

Bowen Turner is shown serving his probation at home in Orangeburg, South Carolina. He was later called to prison in July 2022

Turner’s mug shot. Documents show he had no disciplinary sanctions during his incarceration, nor did he earn any work credits

He also broke his commitment by going to golf courses and restaurants.

Before her case went to trial, Dallas killed herself on November 14, 2021. After her death, prosecutors dropped the charges against Turner.

Her family says they were told the case was not worth pursuing without her testimony.

As a result, Dallas Stoller’s family is pleading with prosecutors to reopen her case in an effort to get justice for the teenager, and to keep Bowen from roaming the streets of South Carolina again.

Brette Tabatabai, Dallas’ sister, said Tuesday that David Miller, who was meant to represent her sister but dropped the case and then allowed Turner to take a plea deal, is trying to get a judge in South- to become Carolina.

Tabatabai slammed Miller for his lack of help – saying her sister’s suicide was ‘on your beat’.

Brette Tabatabai (pictured), the sister of Dallas Stoller, said Tuesday that David Miller, who was meant to represent her sister but dropped the case and then allowed Turner to take a plea deal, is trying to get a judge in South – to become Carolina.

Dallas’ sister said: ‘He tore my families apart. It would be different if you did your job David, but you didn’t. You didn’t do your job.

‘You didn’t give my sister the chance she deserved, and now she’s dead. And it’s on your beat.’

She then clarified that the blame was not all on David, and that ‘bullies from our town who let this s**t go on’ and Bowen Turner himself were also to blame.

“I’m so upset,” Tabatabai added.

Chloe Bess, whose case never went to trial because Turner accepted a plea deal, waived her anonymity and spoke to the Murdaugh Murders podcast about her ordeal.

She was 16 when she said Turner raped her.

“I was just with my friends to have a good time,” she recalled of the night of the assault. “It’s one of those things where you don’t think it can happen until it happens to you.”

Chloe said that in June 2019, she was at a house party when, through a miscommunication, her brother and best friend both left to get food without her.

The teenager stepped outside to call her friend for a ride, when she said Turner followed her and hovered around her as she tried to make the call.

“I started to feel a bit uncomfortable, but he lived down the street from me,” Chloe recalls. “My father is a pastor and his family attended our church, so he was familiar to me.”

Chloe said that, due to the suddenness and violence of the attack, her memory is fragmentary, but that key details stand out.

“I remember him coming out, and I asked my friend to come get me, or when she came back,” she said.

“The phone conversation ends, and I just remember him pulling me into a tree line, there’s a truck there and we go behind the truck. The next thing I know I’m on the ground. And he’s a lot bigger than me, I’m only 115 pounds, I’m really small,” she said.

“So there wasn’t much I could do at that point,” Chloe recalls.

Chloe Bess was 16 when Bowen attacked her at a house party in June 2019 while out on bail for the alleged assault against Dallas

‘I remember looking at the stars, that was the main point. And I could feel what was happening, I was aware of what was going on, and I was just petrified. I wanted to kick and scream, but I couldn’t move, I didn’t know what to do,” she said.

“I was looking at the stars and I’m just like, ok, I hope it’s at least quick so I can get up and run away,” Chloe says.

Chloe said as soon as she was able to get free she fled back inside the house and ran into the bathroom.

“I remember I ended up in the bathroom, and I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was crazy, there were leaves and twigs in my hair, my shirt was completely askew, it was like I didn’t even look at myself. It was very strange,’ she recalls.

Chloe peeked out the bathroom door and said she saw Turner sleeping on a couch, and fled outside, where she crouched behind a bush and tried to call for help.

“I hid behind a bush, pulled out my phone, everything is cracked and broken at this point, and at 1 percent (battery) too. So I just clicked the first person who opened my phone, he was one of my good old friends at the time,’ she said.

“I don’t even know how he understood what I was saying because I was so hysterical, but all I said was Bowen’s name and he knew, and he was like, ‘I’m on my way,'” recalled Chloe.

But as she hides behind the bush and waits for rescue, Chloe says she heard something that sent a chill down her spine.

“Bowen is now walking out of the house screaming my name,” she recalls. ‘So if you can imagine the terror of me hiding behind this bush while he screams my name. I’m aware of what just happened, and I don’t even know what to make of it.’

Chloe says as she continued to hide, Turner got into a truck and started driving around, yelling her name out the window.

“My friend told me he was about to move in, so I drive up the driveway, I see his car and get in,” she said. “I felt safe when I got into that car.”

Chloe reported the attack and had a medical examination for sexual assault done at a local hospital.

Chloe and her family have since moved to another state to try and put the ordeal behind them.

In 2019, representing Senator Brad Hutto made distasteful comments about the victims, suggesting that at least one of them had consensual sex with Turner and later regretted it.

“Well, guess what? You just had sex on the ground with a boy you didn’t really know and you got up and you feel ashamed, you feel regret, it’s not rape,’ Hutto told a court three years ago said about Chloe Bess, reports The Times and Democrat. .

‘She didn’t object, she didn’t scratch, she didn’t push, she didn’t cry out. When asked pointedly if she said, ”no”, she did not. When asked pointedly if she said ”stop” she did not.’

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