According to a large review of dozens of studies, drinking diet cola is better than fruit juice for children’s waistlines

Drinking fruit juice can lead to weight gain in children as many fruit juices contain as much sugar as soft drinks, a study suggests.

In a review of more than 40 studies, researchers in Canada measured changes in body mass index (BMI) in both children and adults who drank 100 percent fruit juice for at least two weeks.

They found that each serving of juice for children resulted in a small increase in BMI.

This suggests that drinking 100 percent fruit juice may lead to weight gain in children due to the high amounts of sugar, which can rival that of soda.

For example, an 11 oz bottle of orange juice contains about eight and a half teaspoons of sugar, while a 12 oz can of Coke contains about nine and a half teaspoons.

Federal guidelines recommend no more than six teaspoons for women and nine for men per day.

Researchers in Canada found that each 250 gram serving of fruit juice led to a BMI increase of 0.03 in children.

The researchers wrote: ‘Our findings support guidelines to limit fruit juice consumption to prevent excess calorie intake and weight gain.’

The University of Toronto researchers looked at 42 studies, including 17 on children and 25 on adults. In total, they included 45,851 children and 268,095 adults in North America, Europe, Australia, South America and Asia.

Juices in the studies were compared to low-calorie alternatives such as water and diet soft drinks with artificial sweeteners. The juices are made from pomegranates, berries, cherries, apples, grapes or other citrus fruits.

The team measured changes in BMI alongside each 8-ounce serving of 100 percent fruit juice during each study.

They found that on average, each 250-gram serving of fruit juice was associated with a BMI increase of 0.03 in children.

The researchers wrote: ‘Our systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies in children showed a positive association between 100% fruit juice consumption and change in BMI, with younger children showing a higher BMI for each additional serving per day than older children.’

However, there were no significant weight changes in adults.

Dr. David Shusterman, a urologist in New York, previously told that many fruit juices, which may seem healthy, are packed with added sugar.

“I think they’re very bad for most people, especially if they’re undiluted,” he said.

“People are buying orange juice, cranberry juice and all these juices, and their carb and sugar counts are skyrocketing.”

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that the average amount of sugar in both soda and fruit juice is 20 to 26 grams per cup. For example, a 2019 study from Harvard University found that drinking three and a half extra glasses of orange juice per week can increase the risk of diabetes by 15 percent.

Additionally, researchers in Britain found that each 3-ounce serving of pure fruit juice increased the risk of developing cancer by 12 percent.

The researchers said: ‘Our findings are consistent with American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines that children under 6 years of age should consume less than one glass of fruit juice per day.’

The research was published in the journal on Tuesday JAMA Pediatrics.

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