ABC slammed over Coronation coverage, viewers unhappy with discussion on colonialism and monarchy

The ABC has been called out by viewers after airing a “disrespectful” two-hour special on the monarchy and colonialism as part of their coverage of the coronation.

Hosted by The Drum’s Julia Baird and Jeremy Fernandez, the discussion panel included Q&A presenter Stan Grant, Australian Republic Movement co-chair Craig Foster, Liberal MP and monarchist Julian Leeser, and Wiradjuri and Wailwan wife Teela Reid.

The two-hour program started at 5 p.m. and was heavily focused about the impact colonization has had on Indigenous Australians and people of color, focusing on the monarchy.

But some watching at home objected to the panel criticizing the royal family on the day of Charles’ coronation, suggesting instead that the broadcaster simply covered the event itself.

“There is no Indigenous foundation, no Indigenous heritage in Australia, Australia was trying to erase Indigenous heritage,” Grant said.

“We weren’t at the Federation talks, we weren’t at the table, we weren’t even counted when the Constitution was written.”

He went on to say that “we don’t read history linearly.”

The ABC aired a two-hour special as part of their Coronation coverage featuring a discussion panel that included Q&A host Stan Grant (pictured)

“It’s scars, it’s broken bones, and it’s too many damaged souls, and we need to heal and bring love,” he continued.

“This conversation is so important, I’m so glad we can have this, because it’s needed.”

His comments were echoed by Mr Foster, who said the coronation provided an opportunity to talk about accountability.

“I was taught that the Crown and the monarchy are a wonderful institution and they have no accountability,” he said.

‘The beautiful thing in 2023, everyone is responsible.

Some viewers criticized the ABC for airing a ‘disrespectful’ panel on colonialism on the day of King Charles’s coronation

And what I think is really interesting about this period in our history, because we go back in time to learn truths so we can really understand each other and move forward together, and the core of those falsehoods is this monarchy.

“The core of the wound in this country is the crown. And yet the Crown has been blameless.’

While some viewers praised the national broadcaster’s approach, others decided to change channels.

“Okay, I’m about to switch channels outside of ABC. Who can tell me what is the best coverage of the actual coronation?’ a viewer tweeted.

“I had to turn off the boring ABC coverage of the coronation,” said another, comparing it to a “history lecture.”

“I think it’s rather inappropriate for us to talk negatively about the monarchy when it’s coronation day,” said a third.

While some viewers praised the national broadcaster’s approach, others decided to change channels

Some ABC viewers complained about the broadcaster’s coronation coverage

“Have some respect ABC.”

“I tried to watch it on #ABCNews but they have commentators talking non-stop about the evils of the monarchy and the wrongs they have done to Australia,” said another.

“Could the coverage please go back to the coronation? We don’t want your Voice/Republic propaganda,” said another.

“This was some of the worst coverage ABC has done in a long time. This is about a coronation, not about race. Incredible.’

“Totally disrespected by the ABC.”

But there were many Aussies who were happy to see the panel discussing different ideas.

“ABC coverage of the coronation is off to a great start by centering First Nations perspectives on colonization and empire,” said one viewer.

“Watching the pre-coronation coverage on ABC, with First Nations people saying it like it is: This coronation is political,” wrote another.

“The real Australia is about invasion, theft, extermination.”

ABC News has been contacted for comment.

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