A ‘trigger’ can provoke a powerful emotional response. But using trauma language too casually can reduce its severity Dr. Ashwini Padhi

Iincorporating clinical terms into our daily conversations has become a common practice. However, when language about mental health and trauma is used too casually or imprecisely, it can diminish its severity. This inadvertently reinforces mental health stigma instead of helping to dismantle it.

In the field of mental health and emotional well-being, the term “triggered” has become common. Often used casually in everyday conversations, its weight and complexity are sometimes overlooked. To truly understand what it means to be triggered, we must understand the complicated layers of emotional responses, past traumas, and the profound impact triggers can have on a person’s mental state.

Understanding the depths of emotional responses

Being triggered is a powerful emotional response provoked by a stimulus related to a traumatic event or past experience. These stimuli, known as triggers, can manifest in different forms: images, sounds, smells or even certain words. The response produced is not just a fleeting emotion; it often brings out deep-seated, deep-seated reactions related to unresolved trauma.

The triggers themselves can be as diverse as the individuals who experience them. For some, a particular smell can take them back to a traumatic moment, while for others, a specific phrase can trigger intense emotional stress. Understanding triggers requires recognizing the unique and personal nature of these stimuli, shaped by individual histories, experiences, and vulnerabilities.

When Ian*, 36, started recovery, he had just moved cities for work and was planning a new, sober start in life. Over the course of twelve months, Ian remained sober. However, when his deployment ended and he returned home, he found himself craving a drink again and fighting urges he hadn’t felt in months. It wasn’t until Ian sought professional help to address his addiction for the second time that he looked at the underlying causes and was able to identify and name the triggers in his life that had almost caused a relapse.

For Ian, some triggers were easy to spot – for example, driving through a bottle shop on the way home from football practice and encountering two of his former high school classmates who still call him an offensive name. Still, during our conversations we realized that some triggers were more subtle. Over several weeks in treatment, I helped Ian look into his past to understand why he felt affected by seemingly insignificant things.

Ian’s father was a strict man who often criticized and reprimanded Ian during his childhood. Ian could never live up to his father’s expectations and he remained afraid of him even into adulthood. This would lead to him becoming isolated in childhood, with feelings of helplessness. During our sessions, Ian discovered that he had core beliefs about not being good enough, being rejected and disregarded by others, feeling controlled and feeling vulnerable. In his adult life, any reminders, no matter how trivial, of not being heard or acknowledged would trigger a cascade of emotions in him. It was as if his brain was working overtime, depending on blueprints from the past, ushering in a sense of insecurity in the present.

With this knowledge, Ian was able to create a recovery plan, complete with actions to take if he was triggered. After treatment, he can now name all his triggers, delve into the source, identify his hyperarousal and warning signs, and restore healthy boundaries in his relationships. He was also able to accept his past experiences and avoid projecting them into current situations and interactions.

To understand the profound impact of triggers, it is essential to recognize that being triggered goes beyond a temporary emotional disturbance. It involves a cascade of physiological and psychological responses that reflect the original trauma. This may include an increased heart rate, panic attacks, flashbacks, or a deep sense of anxiety. Essentially, the individual is transported back into the emotional landscape of the traumatic event, re-experiencing the associated pain and fear. For those recovering from addiction, it is important to understand our triggers and have a plan to deal with them when they arise to reduce the chance of relapse.

An important aspect of being triggered is the concept of emotional flooding. When triggered, individuals often become overwhelmed by emotions and are unable to control or control the intensity of their feelings. This flooding can be debilitating and lead to increased stress levels and a feeling of emotional paralysis. Understanding the mechanisms of emotional flooding sheds light on why individuals can react so strongly to seemingly innocuous stimuli.

Furthermore, being triggered is not a sign of weakness or an inability to cope. It is a manifestation of the complex interplay between past trauma and the present moment. Recognizing this is critical in promoting empathy and support for those navigating triggers. By creating a safe space for open communication, individuals can express their experiences without fear of judgment, which promotes healing and understanding.

For those supporting individuals who are being triggered, it is essential to approach the situation with empathy and patience. Ignoring or downplaying someone’s triggers can worsen someone’s suffering. Instead, active listening, validating emotions, and providing support can make a significant difference in one’s ability to navigate and deal with triggers.

As we navigate the complexities of what it really means to be triggered, it becomes clear that this phenomenon is an intricate dance between past and present, emotion and memory. Recognizing the severity of triggers and the profound impact they can have on an individual’s mental health is the first step toward creating a more compassionate and understanding society. Through education and empathy, we can collectively contribute to a world where those who are triggered find comfort and support on their journey to healing.

*Name has been changed for privacy and the client’s story is an amalgamation of several cases

Dr. Ashwini Padhi is a psychiatrist at Private in the South Pacific – Australia’s leading treatment center for trauma, addiction and mental health.