A record 3 million patients have had urgent NHS cancer checks, with this number doubling in a decade

The number of patients undergoing urgent cancer tests has topped three million for the first time in a year – more than doubling in the past decade.

The latest NHS figures show that a record number of 3,035,698 people were referred for checks between March 2023 and February this year.

The number is 150,000 more than the same period in 2022-2023 and more than twice the 1,335,350 tested between March 2013 and February 2014.

The rising number of referrals is part of a drive to diagnose the disease earlier so it can be treated more easily and effectively.

More cancers than ever are now being detected in the first and second stages, before they have spread to surrounding tissues.

The number of patients undergoing urgent cancer tests has topped three million for the first time in a year – more than doubling in the past decade (stock photo)

This momentum is reinforced by the Princess of Wales’ courageous announcement last month that she will receive preventative chemotherapy following unspecified abdominal surgery.

More than 250,000 checks were carried out in February alone, an increase of more than 10 percent compared to the same month in 2023.

Last week the NHS exceeded its 28-day diagnosis target for the first time, with more than three-quarters of patients (78 per cent) receiving an ‘all-clear’ or diagnosis within four weeks of an urgent referral from their GP.

Professor Peter Johnson, NHS clinical director for cancer and one of Britain’s leading specialists, said the record number of tests is evidence that more people are coming forward if they have worrying signs or symptoms.

“Cancer that is caught early gives people a much better chance of successful treatment,” he said.

“This is why we’re super focused on finding new ways to reach people in their communities, from lung trucks and delivery trucks to community diagnostic centers.

‘Every year we see new treatments and technology emerge for patients.

‘Whilst I know it is not always easy to come forward and people are concerned about the outcome, I would really encourage anyone with a symptom that could be cancer to get checked immediately.

‘Talking about cancer also helps save lives, so if you see friends and loved ones with health problems, encourage them to get checked. The NHS wants to see people as quickly as possible.’

The push to encourage people to come forward for tests includes cancer awareness messages on toilet rolls and urinal mats in pubs and football grounds.

The latest NHS figures show that a record number of 3,035,698 people were referred for checks between March 2023 and February this year (stock photo)

The Health Department has also pledged to eradicate cervical cancer by 2040, and has laid out plans to increase the use of HPV vaccines and screening to save thousands of lives every year.

Health Minister Andrew Stephenson said: ‘A cancer diagnosis is devastating for both patients and their families.

‘But we know that the earlier cancer is detected, the better the chance of a positive outcome, so I welcome the news that the NHS has carried out a record number of cancer checks over the past year.

‘We are committed to seeing and treating cancer patients through earlier diagnosis and improving survival rates, and have invested record funding in cancer support, including £2.3 billion for 160 Community Diagnostic Centres.

‘Thanks to these types of innovations, cancer screening and measures to help people quit smoking, survival chances are improving for almost all types of cancer.’

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