A new poll shows how Trump’s hush-money conviction has affected the race in crucial swing states in 2024

  • New poll puts Minnesota candidates on even footing
  • Biden has improved his standing in the swing state polls

A new poll in swing states that will decide who wins the White House leaves Donald Trump with a narrow lead in the states Biden carried in 2020 – and even tied in Minnesota.

Democrats have supported Minnesota for the past 12 presidential elections, sometimes winning by the narrowest of margins. Trump and Biden were recently tied at 45 Emerson College / De Heuvel poll.

Things are almost as tight in Pennsylvania, a state Biden has visited repeatedly as president, with Trump leading Biden 47 to 45.

In a major Midwestern battleground that Biden carried four years ago, Trump leads 47-44 in Wisconsin, which is preparing to host the Republican National Convention.

Trump’s lead is 46 to 45, well within the poll’s margin of error. The lead grows to 2 points as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is involved. He takes 5 percent in the state.

Former President Donald Trump holds the lead in several swing states that Joe Biden carried in 2020

1718977941 278 A new poll shows how Trumps hush money conviction has affected

Trump leads Biden by three points in the battleground Wisconsin and Nevada.

Trump’s lead in the series of swing states comes even as Biden has improved his standing slightly in a wave of national polls — raising the prospect that a Democrat could regain the upper hand in the popular vote while still managing to White House to lose through the Electoral College system that determines the outcome.

Trump’s lead has been reduced to a tenth of a percentage point in the average of 538 – with the former president at 40.6 percent and Biden at 40.5 percent.

That comes after Biden opened up a 2-point lead in the new Fox News poll, they were tied in a YouGov/Economist poll, Biden leads 44 to 43 in a Morning Consult poll and leads 41 to 39 in a YouGov/New York Post poll.

The results come weeks after Trump was found guilty by a jury of 34 charges of falsifying financial records in the Stormy Daniels trial in Manhattan. The sentence has been set for September. Biden has stepped up his attacks on Trump, calling him a convicted felon, but has yet to see a major surge in the polls. The two men will meet next week on a debate stage in Atlanta.

Biden has stepped up his attacks on Trump, calling him a convicted felon

Biden has stepped up his attacks on Trump, calling him a convicted felon

The pro-Trump Maga America Great Again pac announced the results, highlighting Minnesota in a five-way poll of candidates with lower poll numbers, with Trump technically in the lead (although within the margin of error).

It has Trump at 42 percent, Biden at 41 and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 6 percent. Cornel West gets 1 percent and Jill Stein, candidate for the Green Party, 1 percent. The last Republican to win Minnesota was Richard Nixon in 1972.