A major Chromebook update just delivered four super useful features. Here’s what’s new

Google just released a new version of ChromeOS that’s loaded with some impressive improvements, including the ability to implement custom keyboard shortcuts and do the same with your mouse buttons.

ChromeOS M123 delivers these new powers and more, but the ability to actually define your own keyboard shortcuts will be the most welcome feature for owners of the best Chromebooks.

If you’re familiar with working a certain way with a particular keyboard shortcut, you can switch to it now – and if Google points it out (through The edge), you can also change shortcuts to, for example, make it easier to activate them with just one hand (extend that thumb and finger).

Likewise, each of your mouse buttons can be redefined to activate different functions beyond basic clicking, such as taking a screenshot. That will be very useful for those who have a mouse with a lot of side buttons.

With the latest update to ChromeOS, tethering is now a thing, allowing the Chromebook to share its cellular connection with other devices. There is now a switch in Network Settings to enable the Hotspot. That’s all you need to do before searching and finding the network on your other device(s).

Finally, ChromeOS has 123 new voices for text-to-speech functionality (reading text aloud) that sound more natural. These work offline and Google notes that they are available in 31 different languages.

Analysis: Some useful additions, with the odd catch

(Image credit: Future)

There are some very useful goodies here, especially for those newer to ChromeOS and who may be more accustomed to using a Mac or Windows PC.

Those users will undoubtedly have those desktop operating system shortcuts ingrained in their muscle memory, so getting used to a brand new way of working can be a tough task. Fortunately, you don’t have to relearn anything now, as you can easily change the default ChromeOS shortcuts to what you’re used to.

The tethering feature could also be quite useful, although there is a small catch here. Right now the only supported network is T-Mobile in the US, so unless you have your phone with that carrier, you’re out of luck.

However, Google says it’s “working to add other networks in future releases” and we imagine it won’t be long before support is expanded. If you don’t see the update yet, fear not: Google says it will be “rolled out gradually over the coming days,” so you should see it soon if your Chromebook supports it.

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