A love letter to IT: we still love you (even in the age of generative AI)

When the first generative AI programs started producing code, many within the technology community were – understandably – a little nervous about what this might mean for their work, not least as the tools continue to evolve and mature. These AI fears are of course not exclusive to IT – but nevertheless, ominous predictions about the state of our industry in the not-too-distant future have made headlines in recent months and caused significant concern.

But should we as IT professionals really worry – or, as the optimist in me is inclined to say – is generative AI actually a great opportunity for IT leaders to advance our field and our businesses?

The reality is probably somewhere in between. In the short term, IT professionals will likely find their jobs more important than ever as their companies look to them to help create the data ecosystems and delivery models necessary for the successful implementation of generative AI (genAI). The input of IT teams into the governance, design and practical implementation of gen-AI will be absolutely critical, as any organization looking to stay ahead looks to use gen-AI to solve problems more efficiently while avoid the problems. creating unknown business risk.

Jeremiah Stone

Misconceptions surrounding AI

In the longer term, however, the impact of gen AI on the IT person will likely be an evolution rather than a replacement. I believe that in many ways, gen AI is simultaneously the most underrated and overhyped technology today: why? Because unfortunately there is a widespread lack of concrete factual knowledge about how these systems work and will function within the broader media and technology community. This has resulted in unfounded speculations and catastrophes that are useless and detrimental to the potential of these technologies. The reality is that the way AI and machine learning function are so different, compared to the core technologies most people are used to, that there are many unfounded exaggerations rooted in misunderstandings.

There is a quote often attributed to Socrates that says, “I know only one thing: that I know nothing.” I think this could clear up a lot of the misconceptions surrounding AI at the moment. We have barely scratched the surface of real-world applications of gene AI technology. We know very little. Yes, some generative models are uncannily accurate in their responses to both general and specific inputs, but can they really replace skilled humans? Certainly not right now.

Most of us know the adage of the tractor and the farmer. The invention of the tractor did not replace the farmer; farmers only learned to drive tractors. The wisdom acquired through centuries of craft and decades for each farmer was augmented by the capabilities that tractors offered. With that in mind, AI will not replace the IT department, but we will learn to be the enablers of AI. To take the analogy one step further, most tractors today are guided by GPS, which farmers use to ensure they are as efficient and optimized as possible. It is this constant cycle of innovation, expanding our tasks and making our lives simpler and more efficient, that we can expect with AI.

On the other hand, if we try to predict the AI ​​space five, ten years from now, we don't actually know enough to accurately predict its applications. Yes, it will address problems we know about now, but what about the potential applications we don't know about? Going further, what if generative models could propose solutions to problems we haven't even identified yet, even though they are right in our midst?

So should we worry about the future? Well, as IT professionals we are uniquely positioned to lead from the front – to collaborate with AI in individual contexts and guide its use and further development in business and beyond. The decisions we make and the problems we solve will define the AI ​​space in the future.

IT and AI – a partnership

I remember when I first fell in love with technology. I have always wanted to help make the world a better place and from a young age I thought this would mean studying medicine. But over the course of my college studies, I continued to take more and more math classes and found myself drawn to pure math. My father, ever a pragmatist, encouraged me not to confuse my calling with my profession, and I completed the requirements for a minor in computer science (this was the late 1990s and both Y2K and the dot.com boom were overwhelming at the time) . I quickly discovered the ability of data analytics and technology to directly impact people's quality of life and how digital technology in particular was fundamental to the way the global economy functions. Since then, I've been trying to work as closely as possible on those really difficult problems that have a meaningful impact in the world.

The role of the IT professional is often multifaceted and varied, but ultimately one characteristic that unites us all is our ability to solve problems. We always look at the people, processes and technology to address problems, support progress and grow the business.

Now that we're working with gen-AI, IT's ability to solve problems for the business, for our colleagues and for customers has never been greater. As such, gen-AI represents a shift in the perception of IT professionals from technology managers to managers of positive change.

With a simple command, an IT professional can solve long-standing business problems faster and easier than ever, whether that means gathering data for a board meeting where critical decisions will be made, or doing it immediately, or merging applications to to enable the delivery of new products. and services. If being a data-oriented problem solver was previously a skill, AI has turned it into a superpower.

IT shows the way

IT staff are on the front lines of what is undoubtedly a technological revolution and it is our job to steer the ship, guide our businesses and our colleagues, and solve tough problems for our customers.

For that reason, I urge IT colleagues to treat generative AI as a potential partner, not a competitor, and not to worry about a dystopian future or be swayed by the exaggeration. IT teams are competing with other business units to lead generative AI initiatives, and there is an opportunity like never before for IT teams to realize the promise of information and imagination at work, supported and delivered by digital technology.

We've highlighted the best IT management tool.

This article was produced as part of Ny BreakingPro's Expert Insights channel, where we profile the best and brightest minds in today's technology industry. The views expressed here are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Ny BreakingPro or Future plc. If you are interested in contributing, you can read more here: https://www.techradar.com/news/submit-your-story-to-techradar-pro

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