A Guide To Pilonidal Cyst Care After Surgery: By Pilonidal Cyst Surgeons

Are you due for a pilonidal cyst surgery? Then you might be wondering what your recovery will look like post-surgery. To help you out, we have come up with a guide to your recovery and care after pilonidal surgery from the top pilonidal cyst surgeons. In order to know more, please read below.

Care guide after pilonidal cyst surgery: By the best pilonidal cyst surgeons

1. Taking adequate rest

First, after coming back from the hospital and getting the surgery, you must take some time off from your work and other activities. The more you take care of yourself, the more you will be able to heal and recover properly.

Do not sit on any hard surface in the initial weeks, as it might cause discomfort and pain. Instead, use a soft pillow on which you can sit. Usually, a doughnut pillow is the ideal choice in this regard.

Sometimes, people also get pilonidal cyst excision surgery. So, if you are due for that kind of surgery, your wound might get stitched. In that case, the recovery might take longer, says pilonidal cyst surgeons.

2. Take your medications

The doctor might suggest some medications which you will need to take after your surgery. Do not miss out on any dosages, as they will be prescribed to you to ease your discomfort and pain. But, sometimes, patients experience nausea or dizziness after taking these medications. However, it’s common in the first few doses after the surgery of pilonidal cyst infection. However, if you continue to feel that way, you must discuss it with your doctor.

3. Eat a proper diet

Your diet will play an important role during your healing period after surgery for your pilonidal disease. So, your doctor might suggest you have a diet rich in fiber. You must also increase your intake of cereals and fruits as they are essential for the proper movement of your bowel.

4. Taking care of your wound

After your surgery, you must apply gauze to the area as there might be some blood discharge. However, there is nothing to worry about regarding this, as the discharge will slowly stop after the first few days of your surgery. Try to keep that place as clean and dry as possible so that you do not experience another infection. With proper care, you will be able to recover properly. Another thing to note is that your stitch will, in all probability, get removed by your doctor after the first three weeks post-surgery.

5. Drink fluids

You must stay hydrated at all times during the recovery. Drink as much fluid as you can during this time. For instance, you can have juices and yogurt apart from water to enhance your healing process.

6. Avoid strenuous activities

If you are an active person and like going to the gym, you must know that you might have to withhold these activities because of their strenuous nature after your pilonidal cyst surgery. Instead, you might want to start doing these activities gradually. You can resume walking every day, and after you start feeling a bit better, consult your doctor and ask them whether you can start your exercise again.

How to prevent a recurrent pilonidal cyst infection after surgery?

Most people make the mistake of not following the doctor’s instructions after the first few weeks of surgery. Hence, it’s vital to follow whatever instructions your doctor provides you. Below, we have listed some of the ways by which you can avoid pilonidal cysts from coming back after surgery.

  • Wash the wound area with soap and warm water during the first days and weeks.
  • After washing, make sure that the area is completely dry and no soap is stuck on your skin.
  • Be gentle while drying your pilonidal cyst site, as otherwise, you might end up in pain and discomfort.
  • Put gauze in the area under your underwear so that it stays in place. This will soak any drainage that might come off from the surgical site.

Final words

We have discussed above some of the tips by one of the best pilonidal cyst surgeons for recovery after surgery. Try to maintain a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables. Take your medications on time, and do not eat fast foods. You might experience some nausea or dizziness after starting the medications. But, if the prescribed drugs are causing these aforementioned symptoms consistently, then you must fix an appointment with your doctor so that they can give you other medications which will be more suitable for you or change the dosage.

Taking plenty of fluids every day is necessary. Yogurt as a probiotic will help you protect your gut health, and you must also include fiber-rich food in your diet as per your doctor’s instructions. In general, avoiding sitting on a hard surface and strenuous activities will allow a speedy recovery.

The medications that the doctor will prescribe to you will relieve some pain. However, if you experience pain for more extended periods than usual, even after taking the medications, discuss it with your doctor. They will modify your prescribed medications in such a case. This will allow quicker healing so that you can recover on time. And you will also be able to resume your daily activities.