A Dozen dolphins are spotted enjoying a synchronised surf off the coast of Sydney

A dozen dolphins are spotted enjoying synchronized surf off the coast of Sydney in a breathtaking image

  • A striking photo shows at least 12 dolphins riding a wave near Sydney, Australia
  • Dolphins are often seen riding waves or swimming in the wake of small boats

They may not be synchronized swimming with porpoises, but these dolphins sure love to surf.

A pod of at least 12 was spotted on the same wave close to the shoreline of Manly Beach in Sydney, Australia.

New South Wales photographer Jessica Blacklow, 46, captured the precise moment when the mammals lined up side by side behind a breaking wave.

“I didn’t expect so many people to ride the same wave together, it was crazy,” she said.

But surfing in pods is an especially common pastime for the creatures, which can often be seen riding in the wake of the swell behind boats.

A pod of at least 12 dolphins were spotted surfing a wave off Manly Beach in Sydney, Australia

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