Megyn Kelly leaves audience stunned as she describes horror of transgender surgeries to Bill Maher

Podcaster and journalist Megyn Kelly wowed the audience during her appearance on Bill Maher’s Real Time show on Friday night when she laid out the facts about children changing genders.

There were audible gasps from the generally liberal audience, with many apparently recoiling in disgust.

‘What we are doing to our children with this trans madness. We cut off the healthy body parts of young children,” Kelly began, as the audience took a collective breath.

Kelly quickly responded, “Oh god. We do that 100%.’

Podcaster and journalist Megyn Kelly wowed the audience during her appearance on Bill Maher’s Real Time show when she laid out the facts about children changing sex

There were audible gasps from the generally liberal audience, with many apparently recoiling in disgust

There were audible gasps from the generally liberal audience, with many apparently recoiling in disgust

Maher agreed, saying, “We certainly do. That’s it. I don’t know what the shouting is about.’

“Pay attention, because I’m about to give you a truth bomb: Children who are suffering from bullying or who have been sexually abused, or who are going through normal puberty and feel uncomfortable in their bodies, will say to their parents, ‘I I not sure mMaybe I’m confused about my gender,” Kelly explained.

‘They send them to a psychiatrist or psychologist. We were told you need to confirm it. Confirmation is the only standard. And so the child is told: ‘You’re right. You’re secretly a boy or the other way around.’

Kelly explained the types of medications children should take and their effects.

“The child is given puberty blockers in the form of cross-sex hormones, which sterilize the child and deprive the child of any chance of sexual pleasure for the rest of his or her life,” Kelly continued.

Maher agreed, saying, “We certainly do. That's it. I don't know what the shouting is about.'

Maher agreed, saying, “We certainly do. That’s it. I don’t know what the shouting is about.’

“We’re talking about nine, ten, eleven-year-olds who can’t give informed consent. Then they have body parts chopped off by a medical facility and by parents who mean well but believe in these doctors and they shouldn’t be doing that,” Kelly explained before explaining how many people who undergo the process still regret it.

‘When they inevitably get past the awkwardness of puberty and they want to turn around and turn off the transition of those who love it, they bomb on Reddit and say, “Come on in, the water’s fine,” abandon them , they are depressed, they have changed their bodies forever in a way that is irreversible.

“And we all sit back and say, ‘It’s a remote problem,’” as Kamala Harris said. It’s not remote. It is the issue of our time, both when it comes to children’s rights and women’s rights.’

Vice President Kamala Harris has since embraced many of the sensitivities of the transgender community, including on gender issues.

Vice President Kamala Harris has since embraced many of the sensitivities of the transgender community, including on gender issues.

Vice President Kamala Harris has embraced many of the sensitivities of the transgender community, including on gender issues.

She has publicly declared her gender pronouns (she/her) at events where transgender people are present, becoming the first Vice President of the United States to do so.

Her campaign has also signaled its intention to include transgender people by allowing applicants to select nine different genders.

During an interview with NBC earlier this week, when asked whether Americans should have access to gender-affirming care — an issue Trump has criticized her for supporting during the campaign — the vice president declined to answer.

During an interview with NBC earlier this week, Harris was asked whether Americans should have access to gender-affirming care

During an interview with NBC earlier this week, Harris was asked whether Americans should have access to gender-affirming care

An activist holds a sign in the Trans Flag colors in support of gender-affirming care during the Queer Liberation March in New York City last year

An activist holds a sign in the Trans Flag colors in support of gender-affirming care during the Queer Liberation March in New York City last year

“I think we have to follow the law,” Harris said before complaining that “Donald Trump’s campaign has spent tens of millions of dollars….”

Journalist Hallie Jackson refused to back down, telling Harris, “They’re trying to define you in this, I’m asking you to define yourself, but broadly speaking, what is your value?” Do you think they should have that access?’

But Harris stuck to script by responding that “on this issue,” federal law states that doctors can make a decision based on what is “medically necessary.”

“I’m not going to put myself in the position of a doctor,” she said.

Jackson then pressed for a third time, determined to get a clear answer to the matter.

“I believe that all people should be treated with dignity and respect, period, and not be vilified for who they are, not bullied for who they are,” Harris stated. ‘And that has been a true statement for me throughout my career. And that hasn’t changed.’