After an accidental kiss at an office party I started a steamy affair with a much younger male colleague just like Nicole Kidman in Babygirl

As someone who dates exclusively older men, I was shocked when, at age 34, I fell deeply in love with Scott*, a coworker ten years my junior. I had no idea that falling in love would lead to a steamy affair that I would regret years later.

Scott was off limits – he had a girlfriend, I was dating someone, and I was his boss – but that didn’t stop me from flirting with him at every opportunity. He seemed embarrassed when I complimented him and often blushed, but I continued my charm offensive.

One day I decided to take the flirting up a notch and started wearing push-up bras and finding an excuse to lean over his desk. I saw him smile when he saw my cleavage for the first time, and I felt a tingle of excitement.

An accidental kiss at our Christmas party started our steamy affair. As we said goodbye at the end of the evening, Scott leaned in to kiss my cheek, but I turned my head and our lips touched.

He did not retreat; instead he grabbed my face and kissed me hard. Luckily, no one on our team witnessed our passionate embrace. I whispered to him, ‘My place is free; let’s take a taxi.’

Nicole Kidman in a scene from her new movie Babygirl

He may have been younger, but he knew his way around a woman’s body. With his trained body and endless endurance, we made each other very happy all night long. I made so much noise that I couldn’t look my neighbors in the eye for weeks, embarrassed by my cries of passion.

I wondered if Scott would be full of remorse and dismiss our encounter as a drunken mistake. I felt guilty because neither of us were single, but I wouldn’t change a moment of our epic night together.

As everyone went to work the following Monday and shared their stories of epic hangovers from the Christmas party, Scott innocently asked, “Did you have fun Friday?” gives me a wink. I nodded and noticed my face flushing.

Scott and I started work late, or so we told our respective partners. We had sex whenever we could, often in my car, in hotels, and even on the conference table. It was purely a physical relationship; we never talked about our lives outside of work or our partners.

I knew that the affair with Scott would one day fail, and when I interviewed for another role six months later, I knew it was time to end it. I had recently ended things with my partner and wanted to make a fresh start in a new place.

I didn’t think about Scott that much until 2021, when I went for drinks with an old colleague. As we reminisced about the past, she said, “Remember that hottie Scott? He was so awkward when you flirted with him. He didn’t know what to do with himself!’

I laughed awkwardly and said, ‘I wasn’t that bad, was I? It was just a bit of fun.” Then my friend said something that gave me chills: “You were his boss; Maybe he thought that if he told you to stop flirting, you would fire him.”

I can’t believe this thought had never occurred to me before: the unequal power dynamics and the fact that he initially seemed resistant when I encountered him. He agreed to everything after that first kiss, but what about the lead-up? We were living in a post-Me Too world and I suddenly felt like a predator.

Nicole Kidman stars in the film Babygirl (pictured), in which she has an affair with a much younger man

Nicole Kidman stars in the film Babygirl (pictured), in which she has an affair with a much younger man

I messaged Scott that night for the first time in five years, feeling uncomfortable opening up a potentially awkward conversation. I didn’t even know if he still had the same number, but ten minutes after I texted, “Hey, long time no see!” Are you free for a chat?’ I saw his number appear on my screen.

Once we got the pleasantries out of the way, I got to my point: “I’m calling because…um…did I force you to have sex with me?”

Silence. Then a burst of laughter. “No ma’am, you didn’t force me to do anything.”

“But I heard I made you feel uncomfortable,” I replied.

“Well, it was hard to hear from your boss that you have nice arms when you’re at work, but I just told people that I felt awkward because I had a girlfriend, and I didn’t want that. they would think I was a total asshole.”

I felt relief wash over me as we chatted briefly. I was lucky that Scott was happy with what happened between us, but it made me think about other workplace flirtations that might have made others uncomfortable.

I always felt like Scott was a willing participant, but maybe I was so blinded by lust that I didn’t realize that I had power over him as his boss. It’s definitely made me wary of workplace flirting in the future, although since I now work from home, the only person I can bother is myself!

“I’ve always been treated like the underdog in every relationship I’ve ever had… Being his boss felt like an intoxicating aphrodisiac.”

As told to Raj Gill

It wasn’t until she was in her 60s that Naomi realized she could be considered a sexual predator. What is it with people these days and their desperate need to put a label on everything. Until now, she had conducted her extramarital quarrels with great pleasure, without consequences or with a bad conscience.

Her one golden rule was ‘not on her own doorstep’, and so she sailed through these little indiscretions without getting caught. Everything changed when her company assigned her a full-time driver.

He was very young, handsome and charismatic, and understood her in ways her husband never could. And she was his boss, this felt like an intoxicating aphrodisiac, something she couldn’t and wouldn’t ignore. She spent more time with Aidan than her husband David, so it was kind of inevitable.

Even though Naomi was in her sixties when the affair began, she still looked like she was in her forties. The few times she met Aidan in public, they weren’t looked at the way she was when she was out with her. husband who was twenty years older.

She had fallen for a wealthy, older man, which made her increasingly determined to rise through the ranks of the pharmaceutical company, to whom she devoted her every working hour.

Nicole Kidman (pictured) recently admitted that she had to stop filming the erotic thriller Babygirl several times because she was so turned on

Nicole Kidman (pictured) recently admitted that she had to stop filming the erotic thriller Babygirl several times because she was so turned on

As soon as she saw him, she knew he would end up in her bed. His first order of business was to pick her up from the airport and take her to a board meeting; her flight was extremely delayed.

She planned to go straight to the hotel, change out of her travel clothes, freshen up and then deliver her pitch, best laid plans and all. She had to hurriedly change in the back of the car, and even though she told Aidan to keep his eyes on the road, she caught him sneaking a few sneaky glances, which endeared him to her.

The meeting was a great success and Naomi was in the mood to celebrate. The first stop was the hotel, Aidan accompanied her to her suite with her luggage. Upon arrival, she asked him to open the champagne that was cooling in the bucket and pour two glasses. And that was it, the beginning of the affair.

An affair that was so easy to carry on, because why in a million years would anyone suspect that Naomi, who was married to a handsome, successful man, would feel the need to stray, and if she felt that idea, would she really choose someone on the payroll?

It is only now that Naomi realizes that her situation is not unique and may be more mundane than she imagined. The premise of the film Babygirl struck a chord: she could see herself as the protagonist, Nicole Kidman. It made her momentarily question her behavior; But as soon as she saw Aidan again, she just couldn’t help it.

It led her to analyze the relationship and realize that the dynamic where she was the one with all the power was a major part of the affair’s longevity.

She was in control, every aspect of the relationship was on her terms, she could break it off whenever she wanted, she owed nothing to Aidan, owed him nothing and in return he expected nothing. He was the perfect playmate, never demanding anything from her, never complaining, never questioning his role in her life, never trying to “put her in her place” the way men had done all her life.

They saw her; saw that she was very attractive and immediately made assumptions, usually the wrong assumptions, that undermined her and her abilities.

Aidan was the opposite, he opened her eyes to the fact that men could be different, and how much of that was due to him being an employee, she wasn’t sure. How different would things be if they had just met on the dating scene? No, she shuddered at the thought. She liked things the way they were. She picked and chose when she wanted to be with him and he played along.

She didn’t know it was possible to have such a relationship. In every relationship she’s ever had, she’s always been treated like the underdog. This was new, exciting and she doesn’t want to let it go.

She rarely thinks about the consequences if she gets caught. But she never thought about it too much because the idea of ​​losing her children was too much, but not enough to make her give up on Aidan. She’s even imagined scenarios of what would happen if her husband walked in on them, and to be honest, she’s decided she’s at a stage in life where she would just throw her hands up and acknowledge what she’s done.

Naomi is very excited to see the film on the big screen next year and wonders how many parallels it will have to her own life.

Names have been changed