Moment activist hurls tomato juice all over conservative stand at UC Berkeley event

A conservative student group at a prestigious California university was left covered in tomato juice after being attacked by a protester.

Members can be seen in footage of the incident captured Wednesday at the University of Berkeley US turning point showered by the unknown person.

The group handed out materials alongside anti-trans poster child Chloe Cole, who underwent gender reassignment as a child but later regretted it.

You can see the person pouring the juice over the group’s plates and table, which is covered in badges and posters.

After retreating, they return to drink the remainder of the bottle on the stand, throwing the contents at a man and saying, “Good luck removing this stain.”

Footage of the incident captured at University of Berkeley on Wednesday shows members of Turning Point USA being swarmed by the unknown person

The group distributed materials alongside anti-trans poster child Chloe Cole, who underwent gender reassignment as a child but later regretted it

The group distributed materials alongside anti-trans poster child Chloe Cole, who underwent gender reassignment as a child but later regretted it

The woman recording the person’s antics then takes steps to prevent any more juice from being thrown over Turning Point USA branded plates.

She says, ‘Can you please not do that, this is our stuff. We are allowed to be here, we have a permit.’

The attacker is heard telling a man off camera: “I’m not touching you, I’m taking your phone – I’m covering the camera.”

The person then asks, “Why are you here?”, to which the woman responds, “because we have a right to be here.”

The bottle of tomato juice is then thrown into the air as the activist storms off in a tantrum. One man steps in front of the camera and says, “See, the tolerant left.”

Cole posted on her own social media profile: “Tomato juice was just thrown at our booth in Berkeley. He soaked a chapter member and his MacBook.

“You still can’t change your gender, and you can’t expect me to believe that someone like that is mature enough to make life-changing decisions.”

She also later added that the person was being held for vandalism and that she would be filing charges. has reached out to Berkeley for comment.

You can see the person pouring the juice over the plates and the table, which is covered in badges and posters

You can see the person pouring the juice over the plates and the table, which is covered in badges and posters

Cole later added that the person was being held for vandalism and that she would be filing charges

Cole later added that the person was being held for vandalism and that she would be filing charges

Athlete Riley Gaines, who has become a prominent voice in banning trans women from women’s sports, agreed with the images.


‘It almost seems as if tolerance and inclusivity were never the goal. Forward, Chloe Cole and Harrison Tinsley!’

Conservative commentator Megyn Kelly added, “Fake women get upset when the real ones say what’s true.”

Meanwhile, one person said: ‘That warrants an arrest for destruction of property and harassment.

“Besides, she should be expelled from college if she’s a student, or fired if she’s an employee.”

Another said: ‘I just don’t know why no one tackled the guy and pinned him to the ground until security came.’