How organizations can tackle inefficient data storage

Sustainability has never been higher on management’s agenda, as both consumers and regulators keep a close eye on how companies impact the environment. Failure to recognize this can damage a company both financially and reputationally as individuals no longer want to interact with brands that are failing to become more sustainable. In fact, we go even further: recent research from PWC shows that consumers are willing to pay 9.7% more for sustainably produced or sourced goods, despite persistent inflationary pressures.

Moreover, the regulatory burden, especially when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, will only increase. The Climate Change Act commits Britain to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. However, earlier this year a high court ruled that the UK government’s climate action plan was ‘unlawful’, citing that there is currently insufficient evidence of sufficient policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. gas emissions. A revised plan will be drawn up over the next 12 months to ensure Britain meets its pledge to cut emissions by more than two-thirds by 2030. It is likely that the majority of UK companies are expected to play some role in greenhouse gas emissions. this.