NICK CANDY: Why the world must pray, pray, pray that Trump is victorious

He has been the subject of two assassination attempts, but Donald Trump will forever remain in the grip of a liberal elite – on both sides of the Atlantic – who find it incomprehensible that he could win the American presidency again.

So blinded by their disgust for him, they cannot see that the West is at the foot of World War III – and Trump is the only man who can avert disaster. Because make no mistake: President Joe Biden is leaving the White House with the world in a much more dangerous state than Trump was in 2021.

Trump’s presidency was the first in decades in which the US avoided being drawn into foreign wars. On his watch, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates became only the third and fourth Arab countries to recognize Israel, brokered by White House adviser Jared Kushner and the Trump team.

Vladimir Putin did not dare to build on his 2014 invasion of Crimea, which took place during Barack Obama’s second term. He waited until Trump left office before trying to help himself with the rest of Ukraine.

This is no coincidence. Trump instinctively knows how to deal with dictators.

β€œHe has been the subject of two assassination attempts, yet Donald Trump will forever remain in the grip of a liberal elite who find it incomprehensible that he could win the American presidency again,” writes NICK CANDY.

According to polls between Trump and his opponent, Kamala Harris, the election next month is extremely close

According to polls between Trump and his opponent, Kamala Harris, the election next month is extremely close

He knew that Kim Jong-un needed both flattery and threats and so paid him a state visit – after which North Korea’s saber-rattling was greatly reduced.

And he knew Iran needed a firmer hand. Trump withdrew from the hopelessly naive deal – negotiated by Obama – that offered sanctions relief to the despotic mullahs in Tehran if they accepted that their nuclear enrichment program was for domestic energy use only.

Iran’s real intentions were clear, and it is now widely believed that the theocracy is just months away from developing an atomic bomb.

On the home front, the economy was performing strongly under President Trump until the Covid pandemic struck. And while he was eviscerated for his ambition to build a wall to keep out illegal migrants from Mexico, several of the most liberal Western countries have now tightened their border control policies accordingly.

The estimated number of illegal immigrants living in the US fell during Trump’s presidency to a low of just over 10 million in 2019. Since Biden took office, it has risen again to 11 million. Of course, migration has been Kamala Harris’s responsibility – but she has failed at it, as she has failed at most things. Her public appearances are embarrassing.

Just last week, during an evasive interview with Fox TV, she lapsed into meaningless platitudes. She also fooled the American public over Biden’s ailing health, even pretending he was in charge of the show three months ago.

After the first attempt on Donald Trump’s life at a rally in Pennsylvania, with his ear still bloodied from the passing bullet, he shouted, “Fight, fight, fight.”

Well, the world must ‘pray, pray, pray’ that he is elected on November 5, because only he can restore global stability.