Astrologers raise serious alarm over ‘seriously messy’ full moon this week – so what does it mean for your star sign?

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

During this super Aries full moon, it’s a powerful time to dive deep into self-discovery and personal growth. You are now called to independence and to let your individuality shine.

When your emotions are running high, use that energy to take steps to achieve your goals. Expect some waves in close relationships as your partner adjusts to your newfound assertiveness. But don’t worry, this is a fantastic opportunity to express yourself and share your message with the world.

You may also now feel drawn to focus on your identity and appearance. Treat yourself to a makeover or new clothes.

Embrace your true self and make the necessary changes to put yourself out into the world and build your personal power.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

This full moon illuminates your spiritual side. Your dreams, meditations and daily thoughts can be packed with divine messages from your subconscious. Although Pluto and the Sun may bring some challenges your way, they are completely manageable.

However, some karma may emerge if you focus on what is happening in your own head, rather than the minds of others, then you will be fine.

Solving potential problems can give you some benefit in the longer term if you trust your own intuition. You may meet a woman of insight who can shed some light on a difficult situation for you. Also, keeping a journal can be a great source of your own insights.

Now is the time to become more assertive and independent. Soon there will be new opportunities to conquer the world.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Woohoo, party! Well, it might not quite feel that way at first. The Full Moon makes hard aspects to your Pluto, the Sun and Mars form a rare Grand Cardinal Cross.

It’s best to try to slow down because there’s a lot of emotional processing to take place and you don’t need anything else to deal with. Around the 15th to the 19th is a crazy time, so try to get enough rest.

While this is initially challenging, you can do this in a way that brings silver linings to the surface. Grab them all.

However, you also need some patience and clarity to make the best of it. Avoid impatience, hasty decisions and frustration. Take a walk in nature when you find yourself in challenging situations.

Also keep control of your mouth as it may tend to run away and continue.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

This full moon is your ruler and illuminates your career and overall life path. There could soon be a culmination or peak experience involving parents or authority figures, including employers.

Reputation and status may also become more important to you now. Be careful not to overshare on social media.

It’s time to get started working towards ultimate success in different projects, career or perhaps business. An Aries full moon can also give you more energy, but be careful not to get too carried away.

Greetings. Maybe walk to work, or at least part of the way? Excess energy may come out of your mouth, and that may not be pretty. Practice patience, especially in public and at work.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Well, this is a bit exciting. You may be feeling more energetic and want to broaden your horizons this month.

Spirituality, higher education, retraining and growth are the order of the month. Perhaps you are looking for ways to become more spiritually aligned with what you should be doing with your life.

Planning long-distance trips to faraway places may also be on your agenda as a strong sense of adventure wells up within you. Fate calls.

You may be called to a place you have never been before. If you really can’t go anywhere… try international cuisine. Even if you hit a rocky spot, it won’t last long because this month is all about progress.

Aries can tempt you with impulsiveness, but be the Leo you really are when that happens.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

They’re action stations this month, as the Aries full moon urges you to move forward on joint assets and investments. Taxes or other joint financial obligations may also be on the agenda.

Be your usual detailed and organized self and everything will be fine, then take action.

Your stars also show that new projects and ventures may be right for you this month.

You may be thinking of a special person in terms of intimacy, and if not, you may be wondering if it’s time to find someone special. Try to open your heart, even if you have been hurt in the past. I know this can be difficult sometimes.

You have time to think, so there is no need to rush where angels fear to tread. Like an onion being peeled, you are now moving to a deeper level and perhaps old problems are coming back to the surface of your mind.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

You might feel like you’re walking a tightrope between your own needs and desires and those of someone close to you. It’s not all rainbows and fairytales, sometimes important decisions have to be made.

Notice that I capitalized the “I” twice there, because it’s up to you, and only you can make these choices. Relationships are more important than normal and that is saying something, because relationships are normally your ‘raison détre’.

So it’s your needs and wants versus the other half’s… you can compromise… of course.

Don’t go overboard in either direction. But as a Libra, that’s pretty unlikely… you’ll find the balance between getting what you need and delivering what your significant other wants.

Independent self-discovery and finding solutions is achievable.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

When it comes to your daily habits, routines, and work, you may be craving a change…maybe you’re feeling a little run down lately. So now it is time for a change towards liberation.

You need more excitement in your life. Take your chance – meet new people, join a new group or get away somewhere. Now is the time to be a little braver and take action with energy and purpose.

No, don’t procrastinate or procrastinate – you know what you need to do, so get going and do it.

While it’s great to think about things, sometimes you go too far and get stuck in your head while the opportunities pass you by.

You can remedy this situation now. You may also feel better, or at least not as flat as sometimes. You can make good profits now, so take action.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Fun and games? Well, that’s what you actually need now. It’s time for play, creativity and waiting… romance. The super full moon in Aries is pushing you toward leisure and fun, so keep at it.

So you could now also live closer to the world of the child and perhaps have more contact with children. Think about yourself as a child and what you experienced growing up. You will undoubtedly be reminded of an incident that has deeply resonated with you.

It’s also a great time to socialize and hang out with friends. Now can also be a wonderfully romantic time for you. So do something special with a special person now.

When you meet someone extraordinary, try not to be too impulsive, take it slow and let things develop naturally.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

The super Aries full moon brings your attention and action to your home and family. Be aware of impulsiveness, impatience and spicy words.

Maybe you feel more energetic than usual and want to work on a project at home. You’re looking forward to it, but what about the people you live with? Take a deep breath and practice patience now.

Do what you can do without depending on others. You might be surprised at your own reactions and the depth with which you feel your emotions when things don’t go your way.

Remember that patience is a virtue, even if it is sometimes in short supply. You will get it done and become successful where you need to be. Now is a good time to get in touch with your roots and foundations, including ancestors and long-lost relatives.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Watch your mouth, please! You might be quite tempted to do it thanks to this full moon. Bold, assertive communication is fine, but don’t overdo it.

You may have a lot of energy when speaking, but remember that listening is important too. If you ignore the other person, heated consequences can occur.

Slow yourself down a bit and be the cool, awesome person that you really are. Messages from cousins, siblings or other distant relatives may arrive soon.

Neighborhood conversations are also likely. Perhaps studying, promotion or marketing is also on your agenda? It is a great time for a small course or to learn something independently. You may also find yourself spending more time in your area doing chores and doing local activities in general.

Maybe you’ll meet someone for a cup of coffee.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Money, money, money, it’s your treasure. Your thoughts are probably focused on your personal finances and assets right now.

Take a deep breath. There’s no point in worrying, but it’s time to take action now. Educate yourself and make appropriate and solid financial plans.

Make a budget and write down every cent you spend. Try to save some money, even if it is just a small amount. Sticking to your budget will make you feel more confident and empowered.

However, the most important thing is your self-esteem. How much are you selling yourself short? Do you actually earn more money? Perhaps now is a good time to think about this and take some small action steps towards self-esteem and your ‘deservingness’.

You are valuable and worthy…believe it!

Source: Absolute soul secrets