Microsoft Recall: a game changer with high risks

In June, Microsoft delayed the introduction of its controversial Recall feature after a series of serious security issues. The AI-powered tool, designed to record all user activity over the past six months, was positioned as a solution that allows users to track their activities and efficiently find previously visited websites, documents and applications. Microsoft developed Recall to allow users to ‘track their steps’ by taking screen recordings every five seconds. The tool stores these images, catalogs the viewed content using AI, and then serves them back to the user through a search functionality.

For cyber investigators, Recall could be a transformative force in gathering and analyzing evidence, improving both the investigative process and its outcomes. However, there is a lot of noise surrounding cybersecurity issues – and for good reason. The tool’s ability to capture and duplicate data means that sensitive information can be exposed and misused by threat actors.

Jamie Smith

Global Head of Cyber ​​Security Services, S-RM.

Forensics is being transformed, although gaps remain