The major crack in Kamala’s Blue Wall? Why Democrats in sleepy town are terrified of radical outsider who could catapult Trump into the White House

Green Party candidate Jill Stein has warned that Kamala Harris cannot win the White House and that her followers are scaring Democrats in the swing state of Wisconsin.

The far-left Stein is often considered a spoiler candidate who threw away Hillary Clinton’s 2016 votes. She’s back on the ballot in 2024 and determined to make a statement.

Stein believes that anti-Israel sentiment — along with rhetoric about the Jewish state committing “genocide” — from Muslims and Arab Americans in swing states like Michigan will ultimately deny Harris the presidency in November.

However, it is in Wisconsin where Stein’s Green Party appears to be causing liberals the most anxiety, after Joe Biden won the state by just 21,000 votes in 2020.

Stein is expected to appear on the ballot in 2024 after Howie Hawkins, the party’s 2020 nominee, was left behind on a technicality and Democrats sweated out every vote.

Green Party candidate Jill Stein has warned that Kamala Harris cannot win the White House and that her followers are scaring Democrats in the swing state of Wisconsin

It's in Wisconsin where Stein's Green Party appears to be causing liberals the most anxiety, after Joe Biden won the state by just 21,000 votes in 2020

It’s in Wisconsin where Stein’s Green Party appears to be causing liberals the most anxiety, after Joe Biden won the state by just 21,000 votes in 2020

Pete Karas, the leader of the Green Party in Wisconsin, is happy to make waves for them.

“We need to teach the Democrats a lesson. They are trying to tamper with us and tamper with democracy, and they have some choices,” he said Politics.

“They can continue to do that and suffer the consequences, or they can implement ranked choice voting so that we actually get a fair election.”

Caroline Bechen, a Democratic activist and elected official in a suburb of the capital city of Madison, certainly feels uneasy.

‘Of course I have concerns. I’d be crazy not to worry. “I’m almost afraid to be optimistic,” she said.

Stein has already spoken about what she believes is a betrayal of Muslims in the Midwest.

“The Democrats cannot win without the support of the American Muslim community,” she said.

“And that community has left the station and is not coming back unless the Democrats decide that it is more important to them to win the election than to carry out the genocide.”

Green Party candidate Jill Stein says Kamala Harris 'can't' win November election and will be part of efforts to stop it

Green Party candidate Jill Stein says Kamala Harris ‘can’t’ win November election and will be part of efforts to stop it

Anti-Israel protesters like the CODEPINK group have hijacked Harris' rallies in the state over the past week

Anti-Israel protesters like the CODEPINK group have hijacked Harris’ rallies in the state over the past week

Anti-Israel protesters from the group CODEPINK hijacked a Harris rally in the state, chanting, “Kamala, Kamala, you can’t hide. We accuse you of genocide.”

Democrats in the state don’t believe the threat is serious because the party has no real power or presence to speak of.

Only one Green Party member serves on any of Wisconsin’s 72 county boards of supervisors, and only one 82-year-old Green Party candidate is running for Congress.

Although Stein himself hasn’t even been to Wisconsin in seven months, Democrats believe anti-Israel sentiment could lead to either voting Green on November 5 or not voting at all.

“I’ve talked to people who don’t want to vote, or want to vote for the Green Party. Most of them [conversations] are about the war in Gaza,” said Wisconsin Rep. Evelyn Comer.”

Stein sees a Democratic Party concerned about its potential influence and unwilling to win over its voters.

‘The [Democrats] It seems like they are quite scared to face the music here… they want to wipe out their competition so they don’t have to face a challenge,” she said.

She has even accused the Democratic National Committee of very underhanded tactics.

Stein sees a Democratic Party concerned about its potential influence and unwilling to win over its voters

Stein sees a Democratic Party concerned about its potential influence and unwilling to win over its voters

“They wanted people to infiltrate and spy on our campaign. It smells like a rat.’

Stein points to a DNC job posting that was posted in May and quickly removed with the title “Independent & Third Party Project Manager.”

Their responsibilities include “monitoring RFK Jr., Cornel West and Jill Stein candidate events in the region and sharing information in real time.”

The DNC has not responded to the job posting.

Stein — currently polling in the single digits but the most fervently anti-Israel candidate on the ballot — has laid out what Democrats need to do to sway her voters.

‘So they have to do something about the genocide and they don’t seem willing to do that. They could win those votes back, but it doesn’t look like that’s on the cards. So it appears they are sacrificing several swing states,” she said.

She says Harris will lose enough Muslim and Arab voters to win the election for Trump. Most polls show her within the margin of error, tying or losing to Trump in places like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Instead, Stein claims those voters are choosing to embrace her candidacy.

The DNC posted a job posting in May that included the following responsibilities: “Monitoring RFK Jr., Cornel West, Jill Stein candidate events in the region and sharing information in real time.”

The DNC posted a job posting in May that included the following responsibilities: “Monitoring RFK Jr., Cornel West, Jill Stein candidate events in the region and sharing information in real time.”

A DNC job posting posted in May and quickly removed was titled “Independent & Third Party Project Manager.”

A DNC job posting posted in May and quickly deleted was titled “Independent & Third Party Project Manager.”

Polls from the Council on American Islamic Relations have shown this to be the case Stein leads Harris and even Trump among Muslim voters in states like Wisconsin and Michigan.

“We’re reaching out to a lot of different groups all the time, but it’s actually Muslim Americans and Arab Americans who have really taken on this campaign as if it were their own, as if they have a tremendous amount of control over it,” she said.

Trump will head to Wisconsin for a rally on Saturday as he continues to gain ground on Harris in swing states.

From Saturday morning RealClearPolitics Harris has a lead over Trump overall by just under a point, while FiveThirtyEight the vice president has a lead of 1.6 points.’s election model is based on the state, with the arrow pointing slightly towards Harris for the time being.