Microsoft’s cyber summit all talk, no transparency?

On September 10, Microsoft hosted a Cyber ​​Summit that could have far-reaching implications for the future of cybersecurity. While this summit could have been a game changer, it unfortunately took place behind closed doors, leaving many of us on the outside looking in. We’ve seen this pattern before: a breach happens, Microsoft apologizes, promises to do better, and then. ..not much changes. If the tech giant really wants to make meaningful progress, it will have to change not only its security practices, but also the way it interacts with the broader community.

Eric O’Neill

Founder of The Georgetown Group and NeXasure AI.

The Transparency Dilemma: Come on, Microsoft, let us in!

First of all: transparency. Microsoft’s refusal to invite both the press and the public to this Cyber ​​Summit is raising eyebrows, if not alarms. Of course, we understand the need for frank discussions behind closed doors, but this summit was not just a boardroom briefing; it’s a conversation that impacts millions of users. After all, infringements make no distinction between companies, governments or ordinary consumers.