Horror as a bone washes up on a popular Cottesloe beach in Perth

Police are investigating the origins of a mysterious bone after it washed up on a popular city beach.

The bone was spotted emerging from the sand at Cottesloe Beach in Perth about 9am on Saturday.

WA Police secured the bone – believed to be human – with the help of Surf Live Saving staff.

“A forensics officer attended Cottesloe Beach and collected the bone,” a WA Police spokesperson said.

‘The bone is now undergoing further assessment to determine whether it is a human bone.’

The bone is about 40 cm long and, if human, resembles a femur bone.

The bone was spotted sticking out of the sand at Perth’s popular Cottesloe Beach on Saturday morning

The bone is about 40 cm long and resembles a human femur

The bone is about 40 cm long and resembles a human femur