How risk managers can prioritize full technology coverage now

Security leaders have become increasingly clear about one thing: Application Security (AppSec) has become more complex and complicated than ever before. With the rise of cloud computing, microservices, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, the attack surface has expanded dramatically. More tools, more data, more potential vulnerabilities: it’s no wonder many organizations are struggling to keep up. But here’s the irony: as our cybersecurity practices have become more sophisticated, they have also become more complex, and that complexity often leads to gaps in coverage.

The growing complexity of AppSec

Today’s AppSec environment is like a giant jigsaw puzzle with pieces in constant flux. Every new application, microservice or third-party integration adds a new layer of complexity. Each layer introduces new risks, and without comprehensive technology coverage, these risks can easily go unnoticed until it’s too late. We’ve seen this happen in incidents like the 2020 Twitter hack, where attackers exploited security holes to gain access to internal tools and compromise high-profile accounts. The complexity of modern AppSec makes it easy to miss these gaps if you don’t have the right tools and strategies in place.

Neatsun Ziv

CEO and co-founder of Ox Security.

Why simplification is essential, but not at the expense of accuracy