Passenger’s stunning admission after posting viral video exposing woman who brazenly ‘stole’ his Apple charger on flight

A man who posted a video of himself confronting a woman who ‘stole’ his phone charger during a flight has admitted he edited out the video because he wanted to go viral.

In the popular footage seen by millions online, Eddie Orellano shoves his camera in the female passenger’s face and demands his ‘stolen’ charger be returned to him.

He waited almost a year before uploading his conversation with the woman, named Vanessa. and never offers her a chance to explain why she has it.

Speaking to Inside Edition, Orellano initially claimed that he started recording because he thought “she was doing something dirty, and she didn’t think she was going to get caught.”

“So I said, ‘I’m going to put her on video,'” he continued, adding that he distrusted her because she gave him “negative energy from the start.”

Orellano said he posted the video of the encounter because the woman gave him

Orellano said he posted the video of the encounter because the woman immediately gave him “negative energy.”

Vanessa, the woman who was recorded, described her shocked reaction when Orellano approached her with her camera rolling

Vanessa, the woman who was recorded, described her shocked reaction when Orellano approached her with her camera rolling

But Inside Edition’s Steve Fabian thought the phone charger drama seemed overhyped.

He told Orellano, ā€œI gotta be honest, man. It seems like you’re trying to make a viral video.ā€

“Yes, and you’re probably right,” he replied.

Vanessa described her shocked reaction when Orellano approached her with his camera rolling.

ā€œHe didn’t give anyone a chance to even say anything,ā€ she said. “He kept coming at me like, ‘You stole it, why did you steal it, you stole my charger.’

Vanessa said all that really happened was she grabbed the charger “off the ground” as passengers were told to take their belongings with them.

Passengers stunning admission after posting viral video exposing woman who

“He didn’t give anyone a chance to even say anything,” Vanessa said

Vanessa said Orellano was “definitely trying to cause a scene” when he made the video.

“Looks like this worked out well for him since he just sold the video and can hopefully buy some chargers,” she said with a grin.

Vanessa revealed that she had received death threats after the clip was posted.

ā€œThis charger was found on the floor of an empty flight where we were told to remove all belongings because we didn’t know if we would get on the same flight again due to technical issues,ā€ she said.

Vanessa identified herself as the woman in the now-viral footage and revealed she had received death threats after the altercation was 'taken out of context' and shared online

Vanessa identified herself as the woman in the now-viral footage and revealed she had received death threats after the altercation was ‘taken out of context’ and shared online

Vanessa said she was sitting in the back of the plane, so she was one of the last people to get off. She claims she grabbed the charger from the floor under an empty seat in front of her and tried to hand it to the crew.

ā€œI told the flight attendant, but she wouldn’t accept it because they can’t be held responsible for passengers’ belongings,ā€ she said.

While the first video suggested that Vanessa was a thief who disconnected the charger from the chair and tried to put it in her bag, she insists that there was “no stealth” and that she was in fact very close to the people around her made it clear what she was doing. was doing.

ā€œI picked it up off the ground,ā€ she said. ‘From the ground. I didn’t unplug it.’

When she boarded the plane again, the passenger, Eddie Orellano, was already

When she boarded the plane again, the passenger, Eddie Orellano, was already “agitated” and “getting into people’s faces” as they walked past

Vanessa said the vile outpouring of hatred towards her prompted her to share her side of the story.

“Many of you are quick to believe that I’m some kind of bad guy sitting over a phone charger on the floor of an empty flight that I tried to hand to the crew,” she said.

‘This man shouts in my face as soon as I came on board, obviously I didn’t greet him with a smile.’

In the original video Orellano shared online, he claimed he left the Apple iPhone charger in his seat when the pilot allowed passengers to disembark to stretch their legs due to delays.

He said a fellow passenger told him that a blonde woman had unplugged the charger, rolled it up and put it in her bag, prompting him to angrily confront her as they boarded again.

In the original video Orellano shared online, he claimed he left the Apple iPhone charger in his seat when the pilot let passengers out to stretch their legs due to delays

In the original video Orellano shared online, he claimed he left the Apple iPhone charger in his seat when the pilot let passengers out to stretch their legs due to delays

“Excuse me, did you bring my charger?” he asked as she passed him in the aisle.

“Yes, I have,” she replied immediately.

“Why would you take my charger?” he asked her. ‘Don’t steal things. You can’t accept things without asking.’

ā€œYou’re going to be famous, you’re going to be on TikTok,ā€ Orellano added.