SDPR landing zone established and more NSW letters
SDPR Foundation developed
The ‘landing zone’ for the Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR) in New South Wales has been established.
According to eHealth NSW, the landing zone, developed with Epic and Amazon Web Services, is the “secure, scalable foundation” for managing and implementing the SDPR. The single EMR project will replace nine EMR platforms, six PAS, five pathology LIMS and other clinical support systems across NSW public health services.
This move ensures that the right infrastructure “is ready to support the high performance and reliability required for the Epic Systems EMR,” said Rodney Daly, deputy director of the SDPR project.
After this, the project focuses on configuring the SDPR to meet user requirements. Data migration and integration with other systems and workflows are also central, along with ongoing testing and validation.
Continuing the rollout of e-referrals
More and more local health districts in New South Wales are preparing to implement the state-developed HealthLink e-referral management system and digital referral forms.
Based on an update, the e-referral technology will soon be rolled out at Sutherland Hospital, Prince of Wales and Royal Women’s Hospitals, as well as Westmead Hospital in Western Sydney. It is also coming to Far West LHD.
The state project recently introduced an “update referral” feature that allows hospitals to ask primary care physicians to submit additional information with their initial referrals. Additional specialty forms and text and email notifications of referral results have been rolled out.
The phased rollout of the e-referral management system and digital referral forms across NSW began last October. Since then, approximately 1,500 GPs in NSW have submitted HealthLink e-referral SmartForms to LHDs.
Strathfield Rehabilitation Hospital Introduces Discharge Module
Alwyn Rehabilitation Hospital in Strathfield has introduced a discharge summary module linked to My Health Record.
This EMR module from Vitro Software is being integrated by Altura Health into Alwyn’s existing patient management system. The FYDO PAS went live at the 26-bed private hospital last month.
In May, Glenelg Community Hospital in South Australia also implemented the same Vitro discharge summary module.