Dermatologist reveals the five things she would NEVER do to her skin – including one that can cause infection

A board-certified dermatologist has revealed five things she would never do to her skin, including one that could lead to a serious infection and even blindness.

The crucial information was shared by Dr. Lindsey Zubritskyfrom Mississippi, in a new video posted on TikTokwhere she has more than 1.5 million followers.

The doctor regularly shares tips, tricks and other tricks about her skin on her platform. This time was no different: she dove into her list of things she would never do.

The first time Zubritsky absolutely refused to do something was one that could have had serious consequences: squeezing a pimple in something she calls the “danger triangle.”

This is the part of the face that runs from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the mouth, forming a ‘triangle’.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Zubritsky has over a million followers on TikTok, where she shares her skin-care tips and tricks

Dr. Zubritsky’s Strict Warnings for Skin Care

  • Never squeeze a pimple in the ‘danger triangle’
  • Never go to sleep with wet hair
  • Avoid placing a laptop on your lap
  • Do not use retinol or retinoids as a topical treatment
  • Do not wax your skin if you are using retinoids, retinol and Accutane

“If you squeeze a pimple here, there is a chance that the bacteria from the skin will enter the bloodstream. The bloodstream is in direct connection with the skull and the brain via the so-called cavernous sinus,” Zubritsky explains.

“It can lead to serious infections, but also to blindness or even death,” she added.

Last December, 26-year-old Dance Moms star Brooke Hyland accidentally popped a pimple in this triangle, leaving her with an inflamed eye.

Fortunately, she made a full recovery thanks to a course of antibiotics, but she urged others not to touch any bumps in that area.

Next on the dermatologist’s list was something not too serious, but still a little gross.

“I would never go to sleep with wet hair,” Zubritsky said.

“Sleeping with wet hair can create a humid environment, which can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus,” she continued.

But beyond that, Zubritsky said your hair is “most vulnerable” when it’s wet, which can lead to other damage, like breakage, thinning and “damage to the hair follicles.”

Zubritsky warned against popping a pimple in the

Last December, Dance Moms star Brooke Hyland, 25, accidentally popped a pimple in this triangle, leaving her with an inflamed eye.

Zubritsky warned against popping a pimple in the “danger triangle” (left), and last December, Dance Moms star Brooke Hyland, 25, (right) accidentally popped a pimple in this triangle, leaving her with an infected eye.

The doctor then advised viewers to never put a laptop on their lap, a habit many are guilty of.

“Prolonged exposure to heat sources like laptops or heating pads can lead to a skin condition called Erythema ab igne,” she shared, showing a photo of what it looks like on the skin.

“It can lead to discoloration that can last for a very long time,” Zubritsky explains.

The condition is usually asymptomatic, apart from the discoloration, but can sometimes cause itching and burning, the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology.

Zubritsky’s last two tips involved using retinoids, a form of vitamin A often used in skin care products or on its own to combat signs of aging.

However, the dermatologist recommended using retinoids or retinol as a topical treatment, especially if you suffer from acne.

“Retinol and retinoids prevent and treat acne, so you want to make sure you use it all over your face,” she explains.

She also warned against waxing your skin if you are using retinol, retinoid or even Accutane medications.

The doctor advised viewers to never put a laptop on their lap - a common habit that many are guilty of, as it can lead to a skin condition that causes discoloration

The doctor advised viewers to never put a laptop on their lap – a common habit that many are guilty of, as it can lead to a skin condition that causes discoloration

“Retinoids cause increased skin sensitivity, which can cause painful, irritated, almost burning or chemical burns after waxing,” the doctor warned viewers.

In the comments of her video, many users seemed to agree with her bad skincare products, sharing their own stories about the mistakes they’ve made.

‘I got impetigo from squeezing a pimple on my nose! It was horrible. It happened twice, once after Covid,’ one person wrote.

Another typed: ‘No, because the wet hair is true. I got ringworm on my back in sixth grade from sleeping on wet hair every night.’

‘Good info. I had my eyebrows waxed after applying retinol and the area is very irritated. Thank you,’ someone else commented.