Cleansing And Exfoliating Dry Skin: Is It A Good Idea?

Cleansing and exfoliating serve different but complementary purposes for all skin types, even for dry ones. People with dry skin tend to believe that if they cleanse or exfoliate their skin, it will get even drier. However, we should exfoliate and cleanse all skin types, no matter how dry it may be. Of course, there are some techniques and facts that we should take into account since not all skin types are the same and, most important of all, not even all dry skins are the same. Always make sure you adapt all your beauty routines and treatments to your skin type and needs.

How often do you exfoliate your skin? do you exfoliate before or after cleansing? What products do you use? Understanding when and how to do it can help maintain healthy skin, no matter your skin type.

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To begin with, cleansing for dry skin should be done regularly but gently to avoid stripping away the skin’s natural oils. Contrary to what happens with oily skin, which is a skin type that requires controlling excess oil and preventing clogged pores, in the case of dry skin we should use a mild, hydrating cleanser once or twice daily to remove dirt and impurities without causing more dryness.

On the other hand, exfoliation for dry skin helps to remove dead skin cells, allowing moisturizers to penetrate more effectively, however, it should be done sparingly, about once or twice a week, with gentle exfoliants to avoid irritation and further dryness. On the contrary, if you have oily skin, exfoliation can be more frequent as it helps to unclog pores, control oil production, and prevent breakouts. In this case, chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid are particularly effective and can be used two or three times a week.

It is important to highlight that cleansing is a daily necessity to maintain clean skin without disturbing its moisture balance. Exfoliation, on the other hand, should be occasional, mainly to improve texture and enhance moisture absorption but it is not a step that should be included in your daily beauty routine.

Cleansing Before Exfoliating

As regards the procedure and as a general rule, no matter what skin type you have, cleansing should always take place before exfoliation.

The first reason for this order is gentle preparation. Cleansing first helps to gently remove surface dirt, makeup, and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural oils. This prepares your skin for exfoliation without causing additional dryness. Make sure you are using a face cleanser suitable for your skin type. When you buy one, always read the ingredients it contains and patch-test it.

As a second reason and step, we can state effective exfoliation. When your skin is clean, exfoliants can target dead skin cells more effectively. This is particularly important for dry skin, where you want to remove flaky, dead skin without irritating the underlying layers and leave it ready to hydrate and apply all the necessary moisturizers.

Most important of all is preventing irritation. Dry skin is more prone to irritation, so by cleansing first, you remove impurities that could exacerbate sensitivity when combined with exfoliation. if you exfoliate your face full of impurities, those may get into the open pores and cause all types of irritations and skin issues.

When Exfoliating Before Cleansing Might Be Considered

As it happens with every rule or system, there are always exceptions. In the case of exfoliations, there are some particular situations in which you can exfoliate before cleansing. Let’s go through them together and see if they may apply to you.

In cases of very dry, flaky skin, some might opt to exfoliate first to gently slough off dead skin cells before cleansing. This can help the cleanser penetrate more deeply and work more effectively. That’s why it is always advisable to pay attention to your skin’s reaction and needs, patch test all the products you use and, if you still have doubts, ask a professional who can make the right recommendation for you.

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If your exfoliant’s instructions suggest using it before cleansing, it may be designed to work on unwashed skin. Always follow the product-specific directions. Make sure you always read the ingredients and instructions in the products you buy.

Apart from these specific few exceptions, for dry skin, cleansing before exfoliating is always the best approach. This method ensures that the exfoliant can work effectively without increasing the risk of irritation or dryness, it guarantees clean skin free of impurities and it prepares your skin to apply the following products and get better results from your beauty routine.