Grandmother’s indecipherable handwritten note leaves people online baffled – but can YOU work out what the message says?

A grandmother’s touching yet confusing note has caught the attention of social media after her grandchild asked Reddit for help deciphering the handwriting.

The anonymous grandson, who is preparing to move abroad, posted a photo of the startling message on the popular subreddit r/CasualUK on August 18, leading to an online collaboration to decipher the sincere but unreadable message.

The Reddit user, known as u/melinoya, shared the letter with a plea for help. He wrote, “I’m trying to get the word out about this card from my grandmother because none of us can figure out exactly what it says. Any ideas?”

They explained that their grandmother, who suffers from dementia, could not remember what she had written, making it even more difficult to decipher the letter.

Within hours the after received over 900 responses as Redditors from across the internet took up the challenge.

A grandmother’s touching yet confusing note has caught the attention of social media after her grandchild asked Reddit for help deciphering the scribbled handwriting

Some users tackled the task sincerely and tried to understand the scribbled words, while others gave them humorous interpretations.

One person guessed: ‘Got a good 1 I’m in your calculator Will pop 1 minute of g from doom gram ma.’

Another wrote: ‘Have fun. I’m in your ceiling. Want mint doo dolls? By G. Gram ma.’

A third commented: ‘Have fun in your canoli. We will assemble your dolls of doo. Grama,’ while a fourth wrote: ‘Have fun in your can will limit of dolls and doo gram ma.’

However, some users suggested that the letter may have contained well wishes for their grandchild’s upcoming move, given the context of u/melinoya.

Someone wrote: ‘Have fun in your country. Will be thinking of you. Lots of love, Grandma.’

Another suggested, “Have fun on your evenings. I’ll be thinking of you. Lots of love, Grandma.”

The grandchild responded to the comment and confirmed that it may have been the closest to the real message. She explained, “Ah, when I tell her, she always says, ‘Well, it’s going to be an adventure,’ so that might make more sense!”

While the exact content of the grandmother’s note remains unclear, the message has resonated with many who have experienced similar challenges with their loved ones’ handwriting, especially when age or illness plays a role.

Someone wrote: ‘The fact that she wrote to you is sweet in itself, I’m sure she loves you very much and wants you to be happy.’

Another raved: ‘I love these kind of posts. I wish my mom let my grandma write more stuff towards the end, she wrote amazing stuff.

‘A Christmas card for my aunt that just says “happy birstew”? I would frame those kinds of cards, they’re hilarious in their own way and make a shitty situation look ridiculous.’