Shocking arrest in brutal murder of 93-year-old Kansas woman found dead inside her home on ‘peaceful, tree-lined street’

Two 14-year-old girls have been arrested on first-degree murder charges in connection with the brutal killing of a 93-year-old Kansas woman over Labor Day weekend last year.

The teens were arrested Thursday in connection with the death of Joanne Johnson. The Kansas Bureau of Investigation said they are now being held in separate juvenile detention facilities.

“How could something like this happen here?” said the woman’s grieving son, Tim Johnson. KWCH‘This is a quiet street with trees in a neighborhood in the middle of a town of 9,000 people.’

Although authorities would not identify the suspects because they are minors, they did say they were from the same city as the victim.

In September 2023, Joanne Johnson was found dead in her home on Robbins St. in Augusta.

Two 14-year-old girls have been arrested on first-degree murder charges in connection with the brutal killing of a 93-year-old Kansas woman over Labor Day weekend last year

In September 2023, Joanne Johnson was found dead in her home on Robbins St. in Augusta

In September 2023, Joanne Johnson was found dead in her home on Robbins St. in Augusta

Investigators quickly determined it was a homicide and determined that the victim, who lived alone, was killed sometime between Saturday evening, September 2, and Sunday evening, September 3.

Tim Johnson struggles to understand the shocking development in the case.

He described the alleged murder of his mother by two 14-year-old girls as “inexplicable”.

Tim compared the situation to ‘being struck by lightning on a cloudless day.’

“The family has no words or ability to understand what happened,” the statement said, reported by KWCHconcluded.

Investigators quickly ruled her death a homicide, determining that the victim, who lived alone, was killed sometime between Saturday evening, September 2, and Sunday evening, September 3.

Investigators quickly ruled her death a homicide, determining that the victim, who lived alone, was killed sometime between Saturday evening, September 2, and Sunday evening, September 3.

Johnson’s body was found by her family.

Although her loved ones had no motive, it was clear to them that this was a brutal and calculated crime.

“An unexplained, brutal, senseless murder is incredibly difficult,” he continued, before adding: “I don’t think we can process it anymore.”

In May, eight months after the murder, Johnson’s family and Kansas Governor Laura Kelly each offered a $5,000 reward. A total of $10,000 was offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.

The recent arrests of the two teenage girls have shocked Johnson’s family, as well as the rest of the Augusta community.

In May, eight months after the murder, Johnson's family and Kansas Governor Laura Kelly each offered a $5,000 reward, for a total of $10,000, for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.

In May, eight months after the murder, Johnson’s family and Kansas Governor Laura Kelly each offered a $5,000 reward, for a total of $10,000, for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.

However, the victim’s relatives also indicated that they are willing to find a solution.

For the past year, Johnson’s family and the rest of the city have lived in constant fear as those responsible for the brutal murder remain at large.

The arrest of the two teenage girls has brought some relief to the bereaved community.

“We just loved her and this was the most devastating thing to our block, our neighborhood,” said Holly Randol, Johnson’s former neighbor, KWCH.

Randol added: “Still sad that this had to happen. They were children, children. My heart is just broken.”

The victim’s family says they do not know the arrested girls.

Despite the age of the killers, Johnson’s relatives hope the punishment will be proportionate to the brutality of the crime.

The victim's son described the street where his mother lived as

The victim’s son described the street where his mother lived as “peaceful” and “tree-lined”

Johnson is remembered as a kind person and an exemplary member of her community

Johnson is remembered as a kind person and an exemplary member of her community

Tim Johnson remembers his mother as a kind person and an exemplary member of her community.

“She was the type of person who was always interested in other people… She would talk to you for a few minutes and she would know where you came from, where you went to school, what you did and what you wanted to do,” he said. KWHC.

“The next time she talked to you, she’d remember all those things. You know, the type of person a lot of us want to be. I certainly do.”

At this time, formal charges are pending and the investigation is ongoing.