I’m a 33-year-old virgin and have never even been on date – there’s nothing wrong with being a late bloomer

Lauren Harkins is 33 and has never been on a date or had sex. Yet she claims she hasn’t missed out on any important life experiences and is content with her own life.

As her friends fell in love for the first time and went through their first relationships, Lauren found herself disinterested, finding them “childish” and “too complicated.”

Lauren, originally from Portland, Maine, decided that being in a relationship wasn’t for her and admits she never felt the need to make a romantic relationship a priority in her life, which is why she’s remained a virgin.

“I’m a virgin, but I’m not traditional. Usually it’s one or the other, but I’m just really comfortable with myself,” she continued, describing it as a “unique situation.”

“The 20s are such a confusing time, everyone’s figuring out their career and trying to figure out all sorts of things. That just wasn’t what I wanted to do,” she added.

At 33, Lauren Harkins has never been on a date or had sex, but she insists she hasn’t missed out on any important life experiences and is content with her own life.

After her father, William Stacey, died in 2006, the way Lauren prioritized her romantic relationships changed, Lauren said.

Lauren says that as an only child, she is content to be alone and believes a partner is “not necessary” to have a fulfilling life.

“When I looked around, I didn’t see anyone I was friends with, or in a relationship with, or whose life I wanted to emulate. I was fine with just doing my own thing,” she explained.

“I have never looked to others as a benchmark for how my life will unfold. Instead, I have chosen to follow my own intuition about what is best for me at any given time,” she mused.

Now in her 30s, Lauren says she is finally open to a relationship, provided she meets the right person. She admits this is the first time she feels ready.

“If someone comes along that I really click with, then I’ll be happy, but otherwise I’m very happy to be alone,” she said determinedly.

However, she does have some standards for the type of partner she is looking for.

“I would want someone who is much more established than me. I would just want to be someone who is better than me in every way!” Lauren said enthusiastically.

Now in her thirties, Lauren feels open to a relationship for the first time

Now in her thirties, Lauren feels open to a relationship for the first time

Lauren likes to try new things and is now traveling the world

Lauren likes to try new things and is now traveling the world

Lauren loves trying new things and is now traveling the world after working in prison for two years.

Lauren loves trying new things and is now traveling the world after working in prison for two years.

“I don’t want to live a traditional life,” she continued.

‘I am very goal oriented, emotionally independent and love my freedom. I just want to live life to the fullest.’

Lauren loves trying new things and now travels the world after serving two years in prison, living mainly off her late father’s trust fund.

“I love adventures and trying new things,” she enthused. “I love immersing myself in new cultures.”

The world traveler – who documents her adventures on social media – has been to Morocco, Peru, the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

Although her family and friends never pressured her to date, Lauren admits they struggle to understand why she doesn’t want to have sex.

The world traveler documents her adventure on social media

She has been to Morocco, Peru, the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, France, Germany and the Netherlands

The world traveler – who documents her adventures on social media – has been to Morocco, Peru, the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, France, Germany and the Netherlands, among other places

Although her family and friends never pressured her to date, Lauren admitted they struggle to understand why she doesn't want to have sex

Although her family and friends never pressured her to date, Lauren admitted they struggle to understand why she doesn’t want to have sex

“Most people who are virgins at my age are saving themselves for a husband and are often religious,” she noted.

“I don’t have any religion, but because I don’t cheat and I live a super modern feminist lifestyle, that camp doesn’t know what to do with me either,” Lauren explains.

“It’s like I’m too traditional for the feminists, but not traditional enough for the traditional people. So I’m trying to break that barrier,” she added.

She says she has high standards when it comes to finding a partner and encourages people to do the same.

“I’ve received hundreds of messages from people in similar situations, so I feel like I’m helping people,” she said, adding that she is “very normal” despite her unique lifestyle.

“I am mentally and physically healthy, I am not socially awkward or repressed,” she summed up.

“I think it’s important to destigmatize this lifestyle, I’m just a late bloomer – that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with me,” she said,