Windows 11 on an iPhone 15? Tiny11 developer lets cats and dogs live together!

Did you ever think you’d see Windows 11 on an Apple iPhone? Probably not, but one clever dude has managed to get Microsoft’s desktop operating system running on an iPhone 15 Pro.

This feat was achieved by NTDEV, the developer of Small11which is a lightweight version of Windows 11 that you may be familiar with. Proof comes in a post on X with screenshots of the OS in action on the iPhone (and a video is promised to be uploaded soon).

How exactly was this implemented? NTDEV used Tiny11 Core (the most compact version – with the install size reduced to 3GB) and ran it via emulation with UTM SE (Slow Edition). The latter is a PC emulator that only appeared in Apple’s App Store last week.

(Image credit: User @NTDEV_ on X)

How Windows 11 Performs on an iPhone